Chapter 17- Windrixville

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Sorry that my picture is sideways. 

Pony 's P. O. V

Me and Johnny have been here in Windrixville for a few days. Jay Mountain sure is pretty,  the landscape,  the sunsets,  and the stars remind me if home. I really wish I was home right now messing around with Two-Bit and Soda. 

Johnny and I have cut our hair and he bleached mine.  I hate it,  blonde is not my thing.  Just to think that this is my hair now because me and Soda always had the best hair.  When Johnny went to the store,  he bought peroxide,  cancer sticks,  baloney,  bread,  peanut butter,  chocolate,  coke ( wish it was Pepsi though,  I'm a Pepsi addict) ,  cards,  Gone With the Wind,  soap,  and some other things. 
It does get cold here like Dallas said and I wish we could have blankets,  but I see where he came from when time us not to. 

The church isn't that bad,  J just get spooked by all of the nature animals that are inside or around.  I just woke up this morning about 20 minutes ago,  Johnnycakes is still sleeping.  I haven't eaten anything for the last 2 days because I hate the smell and taste if baloney,  it makes me sick.  So,  I have been smoking more and doing it on an empty stomach doesn't help at all.  

I think to myself what the gang would be doing right now....   Dally getting hauled into the station,  Two-Bit sitting I  front of our t. v.  Drinking beer and eating cake while watching Mickey,  Darry working to hear and much,  Soda and Steve messing around and getting girls attention at the DX,  and Carly doing what ever she does.  I don't mean that in a bad way about her,  I just don't know her well enough to know what she likes and does.  

I wish Dally cones soon and we can go home,  but Johnny will get the electric chair.  There isn't much to do here,  just read to Johnny and okay cards.  

Karly's P. O. V

I had to work today,  yeah....  I was still sore,  but at least I can move more and by myself.  Two-Bit came with me to work today because he didn't want a repeat of yesterday and also see what he can swipe.  I wouldn't say anything to anyone even if I talked like a normal person.  I love hanging out with Dally and Two. Those are the only two people that I can actually trust other than Johnny.  Dal and Two make me feel loved and safe and those are things that I haven't felt in years.  

It was already 10: 00 in the morning and lunch break is in two hours,  which is good because I can get food and relax and calm down with my Mickey.  I an glad I gave Two a second chance because I don't know what would have happened if I didn't.  It hasn't been very busy at the DX today,  I get off at 3 today,  which is great because I need a break I'm getting sore and it is making me wanting to cry. 

Soda and Steve ate here working today, which is great because tht can deal with the Socs and if they don't do something that Two-Bit likes than he can yell at them and make them do it.  Plus Keith can keep the Socs away from me

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