Chapter 12- Walking Home from the Movies

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A N: This is were the book and my creation come together through the rest of the book. Just so you aren't confused. 

Pony's P.O.V 

walked outside from the darkness of the movie house and I only had two things in my mind, Pual Newman and a ride home. I wa wishing that I looked like Paul Newman, he looks tough and I don't. I guess my own looks aren't that bad. 

I was alone because I wanted to watch his new movie without being interrupted. Soda can't sit still long enough. Dally, Two-Bit, and  Steve mess around with girls or anybody really. Movies bore Darry to death, but he will watch them on occasion. And Johnny, I just didn't ask him now that I think about it. 

See it is stuff like that, that makes Darry yell at me for not "using my head". I mean I am smart and I have high IQ, but I just don't think sometimes. Also, I like walking. 
I didn't like the idea of walking anymore when I spotted a red Corvair following me. I was only two blocks from home and I've never been jumped before. I looked for something that I could use to hold them off, nothing. 

Five socs got out and I was just standing there like an idiot. They all started getting closer and circling around me. 

"Hey,grease," one said in an over friendly voice. "We're going to do you a favor, greaser. We're going to cut all that long greasy hair off." One of them started laughing and cussing me out in a low voice. 

"Need a hair cut greaser?" a medium sized one asked, while pulling out a knife from his back pocket. They had me pinned down by my arms and legs, and one sat on my chest. The guys pinning me down began to hold me tighter causing pain in the wrists and ankles. As for the guy in my chest he put the blade underneath my chin in my throat. 

"How'd you like your hair cut to begin just below the chin?" It occurred to me that he could kill me right now. So I went wild, I started screaming for help, "DARRY", " SODA", "HELP", "DARRY!!". They stuffed a handkerchief in my mouth to shit me up. 

The guy with the blade in my chest began to put pressure on it, causing blood to spill out of the cut the he made. 

All of the Socs got up and started running. I am just laying there, until I hear more pounding of footsteps on the payment, the gang, I thought. 
All of a sudden I was hauled to my feet and was being shook. I knew it was Darry. "I'm fine Darry, stop shaking me" I said. He instantly let go and said "sorry". But Darry is never sorry for anything he does. I sat down rubbing my cheek were I was slugged a bunch. 

Darry jammed his fists into his pockets. "They didn't hurt you to bad did they?" They did, but I'm not going to tell him that. "I'm okay."

Soda and the gang came running back. "You got a cut up a little huh." "I did?" I asked. "Yeah, your bleeding like a stuck pig." He said showing me the handkerchief that was now stained with my blood. 

"Did they pull a blade in you?"

"Yeah" I said looking away. "Hey, they aren't going to hurt you anymore", Sodapop said trying to comfort me. "I'm just a little spooks it's all". He nodded. 

We got up and the whole gang ataeted to walk towards our house. " What where you doing walking by your lonesome,huh?" Steve said. 
Of course he had to say something like that because he can't stand me. "Look at my nose." He said. "It's huge", I said. 

"I wa walking home from the movies", I said, actually answering his question. " You don't ever think. You  must think at school with how smart you are and your grades. Movies and books... movies and books is all you care about. I wish you would care about something else once in a while.

"If you had to go alone, you should've had a blade" Darry said impatiently. 

"Yeah, that would have just given the Socs a chance to cut his neck a little more there" Soda said trying to help. 
"When I want my kid-brother to tell me what I need to do with my other kid-brother, I will asks alright, kid-brother." He said going I the house. 

"I see you got you Chistapher back Dally" Steve said. "Yeah, Silvia was two-timing me when I was in jail, man" Dally replied. 

We all walked to the porch. "Now that everyone has cooled down, can anyone tell me where my sister is?" Dally asked. "Yeah. She is on the couch, but unconscious. She got a job at the DX with me and Soda at the beginning of this week.  Well her and I worked Friday, Sodapop had the day off. Two-Bit came over to check in on us and we got off work. One the way here there was Bob's blue Mustang following us. They jumped us, it was the three of us versus 8 of them. She was fighting the best she could, we all were. But, things out out of hand and Two and I took cat of it, but they hit her in the head with a baseball bat before leaving" Steve said pausing. 

"She fell unconscious. We brought her here and cleaned her cuts and bandaged surging that needed to, but she has been unconscious for 3 days, Dally. I'm sorry." Steve finished. 

Dally's P.O.V. 

threw my cancer stick on the ground, stomping it out. I walked into the house and the rest followed me. I looked down at my sister in the couch. She looks worse then when Johnny jumped, a while ago. 

I lifted up her head and put it into my lap. I kept talking to her, saying I was here. I started crying thinking, I could loose her. I wasn't going to leave her that much ever again. I can't promise I won't get into trouble, but I will try to do it less often, knowing she will be safe. 

I was running my hand through her hair, I looked up to see the gang staring at me. I get it. I never cry and I am never soft, unless it is Johnnycakes, so them seeing me this way is new. But she is my sister I have to, she means the world to me. 
Pony and Johnnycakes are doing homework in Pony's room. Darry is reading the newspaper in his chair, Steve,Soda, and Two are sitting on the floor watching Mickey. I am drinking a beer and watching my sister. 
I finished my beer and sat the bottle on the coffee table and started drifting off to sleep.


he gang started to leave around eight but Dally, he was asleep in the couch with his sister's head in his lap. I felt bad him he has gone through a lot with and without his sister. 
I grabbed the empty bottles laying around and threw them in the trash and went to bed.

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