Chapter 31- Movies and Nightmares

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Karly's P. O. V. 
I woke up, took a shower, and got ready for work. I didn't have breakfast because I didn't want it, so I just left out the door and walked to the DX. I was thinking about a bunch of things when I was walking, things like Two-Bit, Dallas, work, greasers, socs, money, my dad, New York, and many other things. I know Christmas is in a few days, and I was also thinking about what to get the gang.

 Two-Bit, I might get him a new switch and some Mickey Mouse things. Dally, I don't really know. He is the hardest one to get a gift for, I know he will love whatever I give him. Pony, I am going to get him new books and things to write with. Soda, I will get him his own horse that he can keep at Buck's ranch. I remembered he used to have a horse named Mickey and I want him to have one. Steve, I got him a new shirt without sleaves and a toy car. Johnny, I got him a new jean jacket, cancer sticks, some shorts  and a new switch. Darry, I got him a reading light, cookbooks, new oven mitts and a new cake pan. 

Darry and I are still not really on speaking terms, so things get awkward sometimes, but I hope he likes his gifts. I was thinking about how hard Darry has everything and I wanted him to have something that I figured he would put to good use. In the box of Darry's of gifts I left a note that said 

I hope you like these presents. I was really thinking that you would use them for everything that you do. I know you like to read the newspaper, that is why you have a reading light, Cookbooks to make dinner or any meal that you want to make for the gang or for a girl; if you ever get one, the oven mitts for all of the times you bake cakes or anything else. And lastly, I got you a new cake pan so you can keep working your chocolate cake that everyone loves  and this way you make two at a time. 

If you don't like them you can return them, throw them away  or give them to other people I don't really care. I really don't care if you hate me or not. I don't hate you  I like you and be your favorite person but, you deserve something for how hard you work. You make the gang food, make sure they are taken care of, are responsible for Pony and Soda, and you even allow me to stay over to eat and sleep. I am really thankful for that, you already show me that you care for me, which is more than mine and Dallas' parents cared for us. I am really sorry for what happened in the kitchen  I know you don't want to hear anything but, Two-Bit and I know better an d wouldn't let it get passed making out. 

Merry Christmas, Karly

I didn't know that I made it to work until Steve pulled me out if my thoughts. " Karly? Are you okay? Talk to me. "

looked at him and nodded, telling him I was just thinking about what I was young to get my brother for Christmas. 

********** Time Skip***********

Soda, Steve, and I walked into the Curtis house and watched some TV. Darry was already gone angers making dinner. We head grilled cheese and soup. When we were done eating and cleaned the dishes, we sat in the living room and watched scary movies. I was so scared that I sat in my brother's lap and had my barried into hours chest with my eyes closed and my silent tears sliding down my face. There is no doubt that I will have nightmares tonight. 

​​​​​​At some point I fell asleep while the movies were still playing. This is going to be a long night. 

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