Chapter 14- Be my Minnie to my Mickey

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Karly's P.O.V

was sitting around the Curtis house not really doing anything, I was just deep in thought I guess because I saw Dal standing in front of me waving his hand in my face.

I looked up and saw his eyes soften, "Are you okay?" He asked me. I nodded my head.

The front door slammed closed causing me to jump a little. I saw that Two- Bit walked in and headed straight to the fridge to get his beer and some cake. He brought me some too. I thanked him and headed out the door to go to work, it was 8:00 and I started at 8:30, it is at least a 15 minute walk.

As I leave Soda and Steve join me, they are talking about taking Evie and Sandy to the game tonight, even though it is Sunday. I just listen to their conversation as I walked the farmiliar streets to the DX. I was thinking about what I am going to be doing tonight since I didn't have anything to do and I don't work tomorrow.

The three of us make it to work with plenty of time to spare. I walked into the garage and started getting out everything that I would be needing to fix cars. Steve was in here with me, while Sodapop was working in the store. After about working 2 hours some Socs came by and started to cause trouble and I was hiding myself in the garage so I wouldn't get hurt like last time I was jumped. I was far away where they couldn't see or hear me,( like I would make any noise), but was silently crying because I was afraid they would find me. After about ten minutes Soda and Steve came back into the garage and gave me a reassuring hug, telling me everything is okay and they won't touch me.

After about five cars later I looked at the clock in the wall, it read 11:30, which means time for lunch. As I walked into the store Pony and Two walked in with food from the Dingo. I gave Two a peck in the lips and hugged him and Pony as a thank you. I got off of work at 2:00, so Two and Pony stayed and chatted, while I fell asleep at 1:00 sitting at the counter.

Dally's P.O.V

need more cancer sticks because I just finished my last one, I decide to go to the DX to visit my sister and get some cancer sticks. I walked in at 1:30 and see Steve and Soda talking with Two and Pony, while my sister was asleep at the counter.

"Hey Dal, what's up?" Steve asked me. " Nothing, just need some more cancer sticks and wanted to see my twin. But it looks like she is asleep." I relied.

" Hey Dal, has Karly gotten a real night's sleep in the past few days?" Soda asked. " She sleeps with me at Buck's and he is out of town until 7:00 tonight so there have been no parties. I think she was been having nightmares and stuff because she normally falls asleep before I do. Then I join her in our bed at Buck's.

Why?" I replied.

"Because it looks like she hasn't had real sleep and is loosing weight from not eating" he said. I nod my head agreeing at the looks of her.

2:00 came and it was time to leave. I carried Karly bridal style to the Curtis' house, walking silently with the boys. I put her on the couch with her head on my lap and watched Mickey like normal.

It was around 5:20 when Karly started to wake up. Darry was making a chocolate cake for us and Two said that he was going to take my sister on a date and then go to the movies. Sodapop and Steve were going to the game with Evie and Sandy, Pony, Johnny and I were going to the movies so we were going to leave at 6:30.

Karly and Two-Bit's date was at 6:00. I left with her to Buck's to get her ready for her date, considering she was everything there and nothing here.

Karly's P.O.V

was ready in my jeans, flannel, red converse, and my black leather jacket that Dallas got for me. I did a little make-up and leave my hair down naturally. Two came at six and we went to the Dingo and the park, after that we went to Cauchy the movies at the drive in.

When we got there I sat down next to Jonnycakes and watched the movie, as I noticed them at Dally was talking real dirty to the red-headed Socs. I stood up and punched him in the arm and then threw his Coke in his face. He stormed off to God knows where.

Two-Bit put his arm around me and finished watching the movies, when we were done, we walked Cherry and Marcia home. Well more like got stopped by Bob and Randy.

Johnnycakes and I flinched and backed up afraid, Two was yelling wanting to pick a fight with them. Cherry and Marcia left with Bob and Randy. We continued to walk home and I was going to Two-Bit's with him, while Johnny and Pony walked home.

We looked up at the stars as we stood on his porch, Two looked at me seriously and asked me to be his Minnie to his Mickey. Of course I wanted to be his girlfriend, I nodded my head rapidally and smashed my lips onto his.

He gave me me some clothes to sleep in and then we went to his room and fell asleep together with is arm around my waist o his bed. This was one of the best nights of my life. I thought.


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"If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you
I think I might give up everything, just ask me to
Pay attention, I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless
For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only" ~ If I could fly by One Direction

" Love me, love me....."- Justin Bieber, Love me song

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