Chapter 27- Still Sick with Darry

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Darry's P. O. V. 

Today was on of my rare days off and I was stuck watching Karly because she is still terrible sick.  I am only doing this because Dally would have my head if I didn't help his sister get better.  Dally is at a rodeo working for Buck,  Steve and Soda are working,  Pony,  Johnny and Two-Bit are at school.  

It is still awkward between me and Karly because of the kitchen incident.  I know she isn't going to talk and her being sick isn't going to help fix things.  I am just sitting in my chair in the living room waiting for her to wake up from sleeping in the couch.  I want to give her medicine,  food,  and some waterwater,  but I know that she needs her sleep because she doesn't sleep well. 

I had made breakfast for the gang,  cleaned the dishes,  cleaned clothes,  dusted a little and cleaned the bathroom.  So I was just sitting reading my news paper like always when,  Karly bolted to the bathroom a d began to throw up.  I waited to see if she was going to be throwing up for a while and she did so I went to hold her hair back. She stopped after a while and rinsed her mouth and she changed clothes after I left the bathroom.  

Since she was up I had her eat a slice of toast and drink some tea with honey.  She looked mad that I was taking care of her  but I am in charge and it is my house she will respect that or can leave.  I was tiered of putting up with her behavior,  but I don't regret what I did that day.  

Seeing Karly finished her toast,  I gave her medicine and she went and layed on the couch with her back to me. I know she was awake,  but I wasn't going to say anything.  I do hope she gets better and starts to get out and work soon. 

******AN: Sorry for the short chapter.  I also have been busy so I will update when I can,  because I have school and tennis. ******

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