Chapter 8

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This is the green Mustang that Karly works in at the DX. 

Karly's P.O.V 

Darry dropped Soda,Steve, and I off at the DX. "Go ahead and pick whatever car you want to work o, Steve will be in the garage too. I will be at the register in the store", Soda said. I nodded and picked the green Mustang to work on. After 4 hours of working, I fixed the green Mustang and 2 other cars and help hand Steve tools while he fixed a truck. Steve and I walked into the store and saw Sodapop making out with some blonde.

I walked over to the cooler and grabbed a 7-up and walked to the register and payed for it. I put the money in the register and Steve told me that I officially work her now. 
"It's time for lunch, so let's go to the Dingo, Steve said. All three of us walked to the Dingo and ate and talked for a while.

"Time to head back to work", Soda said. We walked back to the DX and started working again. We only had 3 hours left until we can leave. It was 3:00 when I finished cleaning after Steve dropped change everywhere. "Hey y'all", Two-Bit said. 
"How was school today", Soda asked. "It was okay, other than socs picking on me at my locker in the hallway" Ponyboy said. 

"At least you go to school, so be thankful" I said. "I got to about 6th grade and dropped out. I can't really read, I can write, and I know enough math to get by. I would be a senior this year, but I really don't care. I mean I do but in New York my parents didn't have money. The little money that we had, they spent on booze. I would have to steal some every so often because I was starved. I was also abused, raped twice by my old man and some other people. I have been jumped by gangs and Dallas' old gang. I have no friends, unless you count yourselves. And I have always been scared, lost, and lonely without having my brother around. He was my brother, best friend and my protector." I said crying now. 

I looked up and saw all of them had tears in their eyes and Soda was crying. "Come here" Two-Bit said. He had his arms open ready for a hug. I walked over to him and hugged him, I felt safe in his arms. I may have a crush on him, he is cute and sweet to me after we got to know each other. I was also crying because I need my brother and I just need to get it out of my system because these people actually cared about me. 

"Are you better now?" Two asked. I nodded. "Well we are done, let's head him" Steve said. I walked next to Two-Bit the whole time, he put his arm around me and I walked closer to him to feel safer. 

When we arrived at the Curtis' house, Darry was at the dinner table doing bills. Ponybog and Johnny went into Pony and Soda's room to do homework, Soda and Steve were in the floor playing cards. I sat down in the couch and Two-Bit went to the fridge and brought back a beer for each of us and sat down next to me. 
I finished mine and set the bottle in the coffee table. Then, Iaydd my head on Two's lap and fell into a very deep sleep to were I couldn't hear a thing and I didn't dream a thing. 

Two-Bit's P.O.V 

e left the DX and Karly stuck close to me, I put my arm around her and she walked closer to me. I won't lie I have a crush on her. Anyway we were walking until we arrived at the Curtis house. Darry was sitting at the dinner table doing bills, Pony and Johnny went into Pony's room to do homework, Steve and Soda sat on the floor playing cars, and Karly was on the couch.  

I walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer for me and one for Karly and sat down on the couch next to her. After a few minutes she finished and put the bottle in the coffee table and payed her head on my lap and fell asleep. 

It wa 4:00 when I looked at the clock. Darry started dinner at 5:30 and would be done around six. "Dinner's done" Darry yelled and everyone went running into the kitchen to get food while I just sat on the couch. 
I looked down at Karly she looked peaceful when she slept, it was a good thing for her to sleep. It gave her something to do that wasn't worrying about her past, today, her brother in jail. 

"Aren't you going to eat?" Soda asked. "Yes, but I don't want to get up and wake her, she diserves this sleep. Can you or Darry get me food please?, I asked him. "Sure" Soda nodded and walked into the kitchen. 

Darry walked over to me and handed me a plate of food. "Thank you. I didn't want to wake her up, she's had a long day. I didn't want to ruin this for her". "Your welcome. And I will ask Soda about what happened is that okay?", he asked. I nodded my head yes and he left to go eat at the table with the others.

Darry's P.O.V 

got done handing Rwo-Bit his plate of food and sat down at the dinner table. "Hey, Soda, can you tell me all that has happened to Karly today?" I asked him. 

"Yeah. Well after you dropped the three of us off at work, her and Steve went to go work on cars. I told her that she got to pick the cars she wanted to do, so she started with a green Mustang, then she did two other cars after that. Then she helped Steve in a truck. It was time for a break, they came into the store and saw I was making out with Sandy. Karly bought a pop, then the three of us walked to the Dingo and ate. When we were done we walked back to work, she help hand tools to Steve and then cleaned up after he spilled change from the cash register all over the floor. Then, Two-Bit, Johnny, and Pony walked in from school we talked about school. Karly told Pony that he was lucky to go to school, she said that she dropped out in 6th grade, would be a senior this year. Can barely read, she can write great, and knows enough math to get her by." , he paused. "After she talked about school, she talked about New York, saying she was raped by her old man and others, got jumps by Dally's old gang and some other ones. And how she was abused and starved, how she stole money from her parents when there was enough for her to buy food, because they used the money for booze", he paused again. 

"Then she started crying by the end, I was crying and the other three had tears in their eyes. Two-Bit hugged her and comforted her and made sure she was okay. I think they like each other but anyways, when we came home they each had a beer and then she fell asleep", Soda finished saying. 
"I also think that she was crying be caused she missed Dallas. She said that he was her brother, best friend, and protector in New York. Karly said she didn't have any friends unless you count us, is what she said" Ponyboy said. 

"Thank you guys, really I feel so terrible because she has only been here a week and her twin brother is in the cooler after seeing each other after 7 years it is hard. I am glad you guys care for her and are looking out for her" I said. 

After that we picked up our plates and put them on the sink Pony and Soda were doing the dishes. I went back into the living room and Two-Bit was now asleep, he finished his dinner and got it on the coffee table. 

"Hey guys Two and Karly are both asleep and we are going to leave it that way. Please be quiet and don't wake them up. And if either do wake up; which I doubt, don't tease them" I said.  I went right back to reading the newspaper. 

After a while it was getting late and Johnny and Steve went home. Sodapop and Ponybou went to bed, Two-Bit and Karly were still asleep on the couch. So, I went to bed after giving them a blanket to share on the couch and Turing off the lights.

A N: Just a reminder Karly is a mute and when I say she said something she either wrote it down on paper or she used sign language. She mostly only uses sign language when she talks to Dally. They gang might know sign language, but she writes on paper to them. 

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*** I will take some suggestions on chapter titles for sine tht don't have any,  thanks. 

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