Chapter 48- Sick

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Karly's P. O. V. 

I woke up this morning running to the bathroom to throw up in the toilet. I threw up for a while, then brushed my teeth and went to the kitchen to get some crackers and a glass of water. I turned the light on and got the water and crackers, I looked at the time in the clock and it read 4:00. Great it 4 in the morning and I am sick and have a baby in the house. 

After I ate a few crackers and finishes my water, I went to the bathroom and grabbed the thermometer to check my temperature. It read 102.6. Great. I sighed and went to the kitchen turned the light out and feel asleep on the couch. 

I woke up shivering and wrapped in a blanket. I rubbed my eyes and looked around and saw my brother sitting on the other couch looking at me. I could tell he was concerned. "Sis, what's going on. I woke up and saw the crackers out and an empty glass on the counter. Not to mention seeing you asleep on the couch shivering, I also put the blanket on you. Are you sick? "

I nodded my head. He came over and felt my head. "You definitely have a temp. Did you check it we you got up, before you fell asleep? " he asked. 

"Yeah. It was 102.6. Dally you have to get Two and Ireland out of here. I can't have her getting sick, I know she is good hands with Two. I want you to stay here with me. Also can you have Soda look at Jackson. You know what he was like last week with his mouth." I said. 

"Yeah. I will go call him and ask him. And when Two and Ireland wake up I will have him stay at the Curtis' or Laura's house for a few days." he said. 

While Dally went to call Soda, I layed back down and curled up under the blanket. I was tired so I was half asleep when Dally told me Soda would take a look at all 3 of them. I gave a quiet okay and fell back asleep. 

I woke back up to Ireland crying, I felt bad I couldn't help her. Dally could read me and knew what I was thinking.  He rubbed my back as the tears came down my face. He was whispering calm things to me. He yelled at Keith to get her and leave because I am sick. 

As Keith was about to ask how I was, I went running to the bathroom throwing up. Dally was telling my husband that it would be best if him and our daughter left so I wouldn't get them sick and worry more. My brother came in and held my hair up in one hand and rubbed my back with the other. 

When I was done, he grabbed medicine from the cabinet and gave it to me. I took it and some Ibuprofen for my headache. 

I layed back down on the couch and Dally went to cook breakfast. The phone rang and I answered it. "Hello? Hello Karly this is Soda. Hey Soda, what's up. One I hope you feel better and two, Jackson's sore is slightly better. I called the vet and he is going to meet me over there at 2 to check it out. He said he would look at all three and he wasn't going to charge anything. Thanks Soda. I will tell Dally. "

I relayed the message and went to the kitchen to get the breakfast Dallas made. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it down long. I could feel my nose running and I grabbed some paper towel and whiped it. This is going to be a long, bad flu. 

For the rest if the day I slept, threw up and drank water. Keith called and checked in, he also told me he was staying at his mother's. I told him to was fine and that she needed to see Ireland more. After that I feel asleep and never woke up. 

Dally's P. O. V. 

My sister feel asleep and was out. I knew she wasn't going to wake up. I watched TV with the volume low and I picked up the phone when it rang. It was Sodapop calling to let me know what the vet said. I thanked him and went back to watching TV, slowly I started dowsing and that was it, I was out.

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