Chapter 46

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Karly's P. O. V.

Today is the day where Keith and I are taking Ireland to go see my mother-in-law. It will be the first time Luara has see her since she was being born. I am excited and I know my husband is too. When we are there I want to talk to her about being a mother and asking for help.

We decided to stay over there for a week and the gang knows, so if there was an emergency then they knew where to call. I am currently packing my bag and getting a baby bag ready for Ireland. I dressed her in

 I dressed her in

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and I was in

I had just finished packing when Keith comes in with a crying Ireland

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I had just finished packing when Keith comes in with a crying Ireland.

"I think she is hungry"

"Here, I'll see" I said sitting in the chair in the nursery.

Indeed Ireland was hungry. I burped her and then picked up her bag, making my way to the car. Keith grabbed mine and his bag and loaded it up in the car while I strapped our daughter in.

Once we arrived at Luara's house, she opened the door for us and grabbed Ireland from me. Keith set our bags in his room and then joined us back in the living room. We talked and played with Ireland until see fell asleep on my chest. I kissed her head and smiled, looking up at my husband to see him looking down at me and kissed my forehead. He picked up our daughter and out her in the cribe while I was getting advice and asking questions to Luara.

She made us lunch and told us a few things that were going on. Dally stopped by to see his princess and told us he was going to be in one of Buck's rodeos starting tomorrow. He said we could come and leave Ireland and Luara together so they can get to know each other better.

Keith and I agreed to watch him and enjoy our little time away from our little jellybean. After a long day, we all went to sleep saying "I love yous" and kissing Ireland Rose one the nose and pecking each other's lips. I can't wait for tomorrow, I just hope Dallas is going to be okay.

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