Chapter 1

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"If I were you

I would hug myself without a word.

If you were me,
You would cry in my embrace"

- Day6 Hurtroad -
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I laid on my bed as I stared lifelessly at the ceiling. I sighed as the stinging feeling in my heart once again returned. I feel this a lot lately but I don't know what it is. Could it be loneliness? It would explain a lot since lately I've lost too many people. My friends don't even hang out with me anymore because they say I'm boring, and you know what? They're right. If my life was this interesting I wouldn't be laying on my bed right now. Even though there are so many things to do I don't want to do anything but sleeping. That's what I want but I can't... Could it be insomnia?

I frowned when my head started pounding. When is this life going to stop? When will I stop living like this? What's even the purpose of continuing? It's just life and I'd die anyway. It would only make the difference of a few years.

I sat up straight, I was still wearing my jeans and a black t-shirt, the usual things I wear. When I got home I immediately went to my room and let myself fall on my bed and I've been laying here since 4 pm. Now it's 7 pm so maybe I should eat? Nah I'm not hungry I actually haven't eaten anything since yesterday but I'm still not hungry.

I turned my face to the window when I heard someone is playing the guitar, the street in front of my house is usually very empty so this is kind of odd. I decided to peak who it was. I opened the window so I could have a better look and I saw it was a tall brown-haired boy. He had a frown in his face while he sang.

"Congratulations, glad you're doing great,

congratulations, how are you okay.

How could you be so fine?

I can see it in your eyes.

That same look you gave me that kills me inside."

Did someone break his heart? Maybe his girlfriend cheated on him? Whatever happened I feel bad for him. He sounds so heartbroken and in pain. I kinda feel like I can relate to him. "Yah, Sungjin!!!" Someone shouted from the distance. A tall blond boy with glasses appeared. So the guitarist's name is Sungjin, that's actually a really nice name. "I'm coming Jae!" Sungjin then picked his guitar and ran towards his friend.

I closed my window and I shivered. Maybe I shouldn't have let my window open for so long... Whatever. I walked over to my grey nightstand and grabbed a book. I let myself fall on the bed once again. Will I ever see that Sungjin boy again? I decided to shrug it off and open my book. Not realizing that soon after my eyes closed and I fell into a deep slumber.

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Hey, guys, it's me!! This is my first wattpad book. I hope you like it!!
- XX San

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