chapter 14

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- y/n person of view -

I arrived at the mall with Hannah. Sungjin was very happy that I hung out with Hannah. Because he knows I don't have friends who are girls. 

Hannah and I entered the first shop. I walked over to grab a black T-shirt and black pants who belonged together. Hannah looked at me and frowned. "Yah, y/n. Grab something with a bit of color." 

"But I like this," I said arguing back. "Do you always wear black?" Hannah asked me as she walked over to grab a marine blue colored shirt. "Mostly, yes," I said. "That's why! You should wear more colors." Hannah said pushing the blue t-shirt in my arms. "But I have dresses in red and white. That's enough colors." I argued and tried to give her the shirt back. "Black is a really depressing color you know..." Hannah said seriously. 

... Did Sungjin by any chance tell Hannah about me? 

"Hannah?" I said, "Did Sungjin tell things about me?" I asked her seriously. "No... " Hannah didn't look at me. "Hannah, be honest..." I said keeping the serious tone. "No, really! But I got a call from Auntie. She told me that! Don't blame Sungjin! He wouldn't gossip about you! He never did with Jisoo either." 

I narrowed my eyes, "Jisoo?" I asked her. I saw her mouth an 'oh'   "Euhmm, Jisoo? I didn't say that." She smiled. "Yes, you did! Tell me who's Jisoo!" I shouted a little bit too loud. "Jisoo is the girl who broke Sungjin's heart by cheating on him. Did he never tell you?" She asked me. "I don't know. I can't remember well sometimes. Please tell me more about her!" I asked her. "I can't y/n. It's not to me to tell you about those things." Hannah smiled apologetically. "Let me make it up with you! Let's give you a makeover! You need to stop wearing those depressed clothes. If you don't do it for yourself, please do it for sungjin. Pleasee??" Hannah grabbed my hand and smiled excitedly.

"Fine," I replied shaking my head and laughing. "As long as Sungjin likes it."

- Sungin person of view - 

Y/n went with Hannah to go shopping so the boys thought it was a good idea to go fitness. I thought it would be a good idea since I still need to tell the other boys about me and y/n.

We entered the gym and we grabbed some weights. "yah Sungjin, you need to tell the other boys the good news too." Jae said and Dowoon, Wonpil, and YoungK looked at me. "What's the good news?" YoungK asked. "y/n and I are a couple." I had a very proud and happy smile on my face. 

"YAHH finally! I was almost gonna ask her to date me." Wonpil said teasingly and I gave him a jealous glare. "When are you going to get kids?" Dowoon asked and I almost choked. "Kids?? Dowoon??!!!" My eyes widened. They all had to laugh because of that, but I wasn't having that. "When are you going to get a girlfriend?" I teased Dowoon back and Dowoon glared. He then put his weights down and started running to me. I dropped the weights too and I started running away too. 

"Yahh Park Sungjin!!! I will get youu!!" Dowoon laughed and kept on chasing me.

After ten minutes we were both exhausted and we sat down. The other boys walked over towards us. "We barely started and you're both already tired?" Wonpil laughed. "Do we need to chase you?" I jokingly asked Wonpil. "Sure, you can't get me anyways." Then YoungK said, "I am already done with this honestly. Why didn't we just stay home and made some music?" YoungK shook his head. "Seriously?" Jae laughed, "We're barely ten minutes here."

"We at least need to train an hour. Or something" Jae added.

We all sighed and continued.


After a few hours, I arrived home. I went inside and walked past my parents who were watching tv. I shortly greeted them and went upstairs.

Would y/n be already home?

I walked towards her room and knocked on her door. "Come in!!" I heard her shout. I stepped inside and saw her focused on reading a book. I noticed she had a purple color through her (Own hair color) hair. 

I walked towards her and gave her a peck on her forehead. She looked at me with a smile. "Your hair is pretty," I told her. She blushed and said; "Thank you." I sat down on her bed and held her hand. "Did you have a good day with Hannah?" I asked her. "Yes, it was a lot of fun." She smiled happily. She also looked really happy in general now. I think a day with a friend did her really well and I'm happy about that.

"I am so happy you like me," I said, and y/n's face went even redder than it already was. "I am happy too. You make me happy and make me feel safe." She smiled. 

"I was so scared to lose you the day I had found you unconscious y/n... If you didn't survive I would've blamed myself for everything and I'd probably kill Jaebum." We both chuckled at that last part. "You give me a reason to live." y/n said and she looked at me seriously. 

"Really?" I held her hand even tighter. "Yes, you do." She said. 

"Then I'll make sure to stay your reason to live. I already said I will make you happy and I will keep on doing that." I gave her a peck on her lips.

- Youngjae person of view -

I laid on my bed with my dog Coco. While I pet her I thought about how I will ask y/n to hang around with me. I need to make sure she doesn't see right through my plan or anything... If that happens I failed so bad... and I never fail.

I shouldn't have acted like that towards y/n at school. She's probably annoyed by me a lot. Why do I always make stupid decisions when I'm mad? I hate myself sometimes... 

No, Choi Youngjae doesn't hate himself! I am the sweetest, cutest guy you'll meet! 

After a few hours of thinking I actually had a good idea! I probably need one of the others for this though... 

I walked over towards Jinyoung's room and knocked on his door. "What is it Youngjae?" I heard him shout through the door. "Let me in," I said. "Then open the door," Jinyoung said.

I entered and I saw Jinyoung playing a game. "I am busy," Jinyoung said with his gaze still focused on the screen. "I need your help," I said. "I listen," Jinyoung said still not really paying attention to me. "Yah, turn the damn game off." I started to get annoyed. "Yahh, don't say yah to me. I am older. You should show a little respect." Jinyoung said annoyed. "This is for Jaebum," I said and Jinyoung immediately turned off his game. "I listen," He said and looked at me intensely.

This chapter is shorter than usual, but I still hope you like it! and if so please vote! Thank you for reading!!

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This chapter is shorter than usual, but I still hope you like it! and if so please vote! Thank you for reading!!

- San

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