chapter 3

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"Who the are you?" Jaebum said annoyed. The boy looks at him and smiles "Hi I'm Wonpil. Nice to meet you." His smile is really pretty. It looks really sincere.

"Ok.. so can you let go of my hand? I am trying to hit someone." Jaebum rolls his eyes. "Why do you want to hit her?" Wonpil now looks a bit annoyed. "I don't need to explain myself to you." Jaebum snaps at him. "Then I won't let you hit her." Wonpil glares at Jaebum.

I decided to stay silent while the two glare at each other, but then after a few moments we get interrupted. It's the boy I saw on the street 2 days ago. 'What was his name again?' I tried to remember, but I guess I just forgot... "Wonpil what are you doing?" The boy asked Wonpil. His face shows he's confused. I also notice 3 other boys behind him. I am surprised when I see one of those three boys is Sungjin. I am kind of happy to see Sungjin...

"Oh, Jae... This guy" He said nudging to Jaebum "is trying to hit This girl." He then looked at me "Oh okay.." Jae was looking at Wonpil but then switched to Jaebum. "Can't you guys just leave us alone already?" Jaebum glared at Jae. I noticed Jae wasn't having anything of Jaebum's attitude towards him and just ignored it.

"What's your name?" Jae suddenly asks me looking at me. "M-my name is y/n," I muttered out. It was quiet for a short period of time when suddenly Jaebum let go of me. "You guys really messed with the wrong person," Jaebum warned the boys and then left.

"Are you okay?" a tall black-haired asked. "Y-yes I am, what's your name?" I asked him. "I'm Young-Hyun, but please call me YoungK." He gave me a sweet and friendly smile "It's nice to meet you YoungK." I returned that sweet smile to Youngk. Then Jae suddenly asks "What did that guy want from you?" he sounded suspicious. Not of me but Jaebum. "That was Jaebum. He's the most popular guy in school. Everygirl likes him. He asked me to go on a date and I said no, but no one tells Jaebum no so he got really mad." I looked down. "Oh okay... well he won't bother you any more since from now on if he does. You have us to protect you." Young K said.

"I don't think you guys understand, what I am trying to say. Jaebum is the most powerful guy here and everyone listens to him. So he could ruin your reputation in a second. Everyone could bully you if Jaebum wants that. You know those stereotypes where the popular guy is family of the principal?" "yes?" Jae replied. "That's exactly the case. That's also why everyone doesn't fight with him." I sighed. "But then why aren't you scared?" The smaller one asked "Because.. Everyone already bullies me here. So for me, there isn't much to lose except for the fact that I could be suspended.

I saw that Sungjin frowned. He looked slightly angry. "We will protect you from your bullies y/n." Wonpil said. "right. They won't hurt you." Jae added. "Why are you so quiet Sungjin?" The smaller one whom I still don't know the name from asked. "I'm just tired Dowoon..." He sighed. "Shall we go to class?" Sungjin added and the other boys nodded. "What classes do you have y/n? Maybe we have the same." Dowoon asked and I showed my schedule.

"Wow, it seems like we almost have all classes with each other." Dowoon smiled.

The bell rang and we went to our class. We had math first.

I sat down at my seat in the back of the class. Wonpil sat next to Dowoon and Jae sat next to YoungK. Sungjin sat down next to me without saying anything. I saw that Jaebum was still really angry about what happened before class and he gave Sungjin a few mean glares.

Jinyoung who sat next to him also didn't look really happy either. I already know Jaebum told everything to his group. They call themselves got7, because it's their lucky number. The group consists of Jaebum, who is the leader, Jinyoung, Mark , Jackson, Youngjae, Bambam, and Yugyeom. They're all assholes. Well, Mark is the least annoying one of them.


The first period ended and we had a break. Everyone left class except for 'got7' They walked towards Sungjin and I. "I heard we have a new friend." Jinyoung laughed and Sungjin ignored him "ahhw don't ignore him. He just wanted to tease you." Bambam then said. The other boys laughed to accept for Jinyoung. He really didn't like being ignored. Sungjin and I wanted to leave, but Jinyoung blocked the way. "I don't like being ignored." His voice showed clear annoyance "and I don't like wasting my time." Sungjin replied sarcastically and pushed past Jinyoung dragging me with him by pulling my arm.

We arrived at the cafeteria and saw the other boys. We then went to them and sat down next to them.

"Why are you two so late?" YoungK suddenly asks. "Our way got blocked by Jinyoung." I said annoyed. "What did he want from you two," Jae asks curiously. "It's better if you ask 'What did he want from Sungjin?' and honestly he'a just annoyed because of what happened before the classes with Jaebum," I responded to Jae, but I looked at Sungjin. "Sungjin? Why are you so quiet today? Aren't you like scolding me or Dowoon or make funny jokes?" Wonpil looked at Sungjin worried, but also suspicious.

Suddenly seven boys sat down at our table.

"What were you talking about?"

Jackson asked with a smirk.
Nothing we were just discussing some weekend plans." Dowoon said. "Oh okay, btw y/n. I'm really sorry for my behaviour towards you today." Jaebum said. I could see he didn't mean it, but I couldn't make a scene in the cafeteria so I said: "It's okay Jaebum." and I fakes a smile "so we were thinking that because you guys are new here. We could throw a party for you!" Mark said.

"We don't want to bother you guys. You must be busy." Jae said and smiled politely. "Busy with what? we're high scholars basically the only thing we do is studying and partying." Youngjae laughed. "exactly" Yugyeom added.

"Why are you so quiet Sungjin?" Jaebum turned his gaze towards Sungjin. "Come on don't be so serious have a little fun. Let us show you around." Jinyoung put an arm around Sungjin, who seemed now even more agitated. "Okay..." He simply said. "Great! See you guys tonight." Yugyeom said. Then Jaebum walked to me and whispered in my ear.

"See you tonight baby girl."

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