chapter 41

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- y/n person of view -

It was half-past seven when I woke up by the constant message sound of my phone. Who texts me at this unreasonable hour... Ughh I sighed and I grabbed my phone to see I had like 20 messages from Jaebum. 

"y/n you want to hang out today, at my place?"

"I'm really sorry Jaebum, but the past days I didn't study well... I have to study today if not I will fail."

That was obviously a lie. I studied well. Whenever I have time I study. I think I know it, but still, I am anxious I still don't know it.


Was the only thing he replied back and I sighed out of relieving that he leaves it alone. I stood up quickly changed and decided to go to Sungjin. I opened the door of his room and my eyes widened. He's still in his underwear. 'I am so sorry Sungjin, omg, I will come back later!' I said quickly and closed the door again. I turned around and I saw Hannah walking towards me and she chuckled 'You look so scared y/n. What happened?' she asked me and I decided to pull her into my room. I then locked the door. 'Oh my god. Hannah, I walked in on Sungjin in his underwear... What do I do?!' my heart was racing like crazy. 'Calm down. You haven't seen him in his underwear before?' she asked me as she sat on my bed. 'No? why'd you think that?' I eyed her questioning. 'Well, I just assumed because you live together and you both see each other a lot and stuff you already well... did it.' my eyes widened. 'N-no Hannah!' she chuckled 'y/n, calm down girl!' I decided to sit next to Hannah, I need to ask her something though... 'Hannah, I have a question.' I looked down. 'Well, once we nearly like "Did it" but I got really scared and Sungjin didn't want to pressure me so he like... Went to the bathroom.' I really am struggling explaining it... 'The thing is. We like each other a lot. But like what if it happens again. I am sure Sungjin wouldn't say no if I said yes. But I have no idea.' I stopped talking I hope Hannah understands it. 'Oh, I see what you are struggling with. y/n it's easy to answer, you just have to feel if you want it at that moment. If you trust Sungjin and stay calm everything would be alright. Don't ever let him pressure you! I don't see Sungjin do that. But just in case. It's your body, you decide!' Hannah held my hand. 'Thank you, Hannah, I needed this.' I gave her a hug. 'But eh, y/n.' Hannah said. 'Hm?' 'Are you two dating?' I looked away. 'I don; t know either. It looks and feels like we do. But we never actually talked about it. Honestly...' Hannah shook her head. 'y/n, you have to that!' I nodded 'I know,' I sighed. 'Well I gotta go, I just came to pick something up and I am probably already here for too long since aunty and I talked for a while too.' She stood up 'Bye Hannah!' I said with a smile and we hugged again 'bye y/n!' Hannah then left the room.

I then heard a knock on the half-open door. It was Sungjin. I stressed a bit because I hope it's not awkward between us or something... aghh I am stupid too just walk in his room like that. 'Hi, y/n.' Sungjin smiled at me. 'H-hi' I said as I looked away and blushed. 'Can I come in?' Sungjin asked as he slowely stepped inside. 'Well, you're kinda already inside.' I joked. 'funny this morning?' he had a teasing smile on his face as he sat down on my bed. 'Yes, a very fun morning.' I gave him that same teasing smile back. 'So, walking into my room when I was in my shorts was funny too?' my eyes widened and Sungjin started laughing. 'Not funny!!' I whined. 'You should've seen your face y/n.' Sungjin couldn't stop laughing. 

'stawp laughing!' I pinched his side. Not even a few seconds later I started regretting it. Sungjin came closer to me and started to tickle me mercilessly. I laid on my back on the bed and Sungjin leaned over me to tickle me and his cute messy brown hair was in my view.  'S-Sungjin s-stop!!!!' he didn't stop tickling me. I could barely breath when Sungjin eventually stopped. Our faces were inches apart and he pecked my lips 'ah, I forgot to wish you good morning.' he sat back up straight. 'good morning' I replied and sat up straight too. Then I pecked his lips. We looked at each other in the eyes a while when eventually Sungjin broke the silence. 'y/n, this may be a weird moment... But I just wanted to tell you that I really care about you and I want to protect you and I've done stupid things and I regret those. I just wanted to say... I love you'  My heart raced extremely fast 'I love you too Sungjin' I felt like running a marathon. Sungjin then pulled me into a hug. 'Would you like to play some guitar with me today?' He asked grabbing one of my hands. 'Hmm yes, sounds fun.' I looked at our hands and smiled.

- Jaebum person of view - 

I asked the boys to gather in the kitchen so that Yugyeom and I could tell them about what we came up with.  

Once they were here we told them what we came up with and Mark's jaw dropped 'What the hell guys. If you mess this up we all will be suspended. Even though your uncle is the principal doesn't mean we can pull this! Forget getting suspended. We could end in the police's hands!' Yugyeom snorted 'We won't fail. This plan is bulletproof hyung.' Mark glared at Yugyeom 'No plan is bulletproof.' he sighed in annoyance. 'Anyways do you all agree to help?' I asked interfering. Each one of the boys agreed Jinyoung being the first. except for Mark. 'Hyung! Even I think this plan is pretty flawless.' Jackson tried to convince Mark. 'yah, I said no!' Mark was getting angry. 'Please! We have to do this for Jaebum hyung!' Youngjae said. Wow, he never acts like this. 'aghhh you won't let it go...' we stayed quiet for a second 'Okay! under one condition. This is the last time.' Mark glared at each one of us seriously. 'There won't be a next time needed Mark.' I said with a smirk

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