Thank you

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Gosh, it's really the end of the first book... I remember I started it. I never expected this many reads, I didn't care about the reads and then suddenly here we are with over 3000 reads.(probably, even more, when this is published). If I look at how many reads I have I am so happy and I feel so blessed to have so many people like my writing enough to continue my book! I try to write and improve my writing as much as I can and really honestly I did my best on this book. I put my heart and soul into this book. I am once time passes write some chapters again and re-read my book because in a few months my writing skills (hopefully) improved! I am also really happy when I get messages from people who liked the chapter/book! I read everything and I reply to everything since I want to be able to speak to each one of you! Also, I am glad when I get a message from people or a comment about certain mistakes so I can fix those. Please don't be scared to point out some mistakes since every human being makes mistakes! I once again, want to thank you for reading!

I hope you will stay reading and will patiently wait for the sequel! If you want to get a notification for when I publish it, please follow me. Thank you so much I love you all!!!

(also there will be teasers next chapter.)

Did you guys know that throughout the books there are a lot of hints of new people that will appear in the second book? aha now you know if you didn't :)

ILY all so much

- San

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