chapter 27

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- Sungjin person of view -

Damn it, I feel so stupid. How could I be so stupid? I should've let her explain what happened. I was on my way to school deeply lost in thoughts. Dowoon had explained to me what had happened because he said he was there. I believe him, Dowoon never lies to me. He's always been a very honest person and that's something I really appreciate about him.  

I entered school and immediately looked for y/n. I need to tell her I'm sorry, but how can I just say sorry after what I said? I know she's actually a really sensitive person and sometimes she doesn't always deal with someone's words very well. I need to think of a way I can tell her I'm sorry. 

I entered the classroom hoping she was there. But nope only the other got7 boys but Jaebum. I walked over to Jackson 'Yah Jackson Wang,' I said and Jackson looked at me annoyed. 'What do you want?' He asked me. 'Where are y/n and Jaebum?' I asked him and he smirked. 'Somewhere' and he continued talking with Bambam. Jackson's really annoying. But I can't help thinking about the fact that y/n is probably with Jaebum... What if he's really stealing my girlfriend? Well... Girlfriend. We're not exactly together anymore. I sighed and took my seat in the classroom

- y/n person of view -

Mark had picked me and Jaebum up from the hospital really early since Jaebum wanted to do some fun things today, which he didn't clarify what he meant. I hope he learned from his mistake. 

We arrived home and Jaebum helped me out of the car and we then said goodbye to Mark who said he would go to school today. Well, he had to, because if he didn't get his grades higher he would fail. At least that's what he told me. 'Ready to go inside?' Jaebum asked me 'euhm, yeh, sure.' I still felt a bit awkward around Jaebum even though he took care of me well in the hospital. I just get this uneasy feeling near him... We went inside and we took the lift. Jaebum pressed the button of the level we had to go too. I gave a short glance at Jaebum and I honestly have to admit he's really handsome. But I think Sungjin's more handsome... stop it y/n. Sungjin hurt you. I mentally sighed, I really miss Sungjin. The lift opened and I followed Jaebum to the apartment. We went inside and Jaebum asked me: 'Do you want something to drink?' I hummed and said: 'Water, please.' and I smiled at him. He nodded in reply and went to the kitchen to get something to drink.

I took off my coat, sat down at the couch and turned on the tv. Coincidentally it was the kdrama I was currently watching. It's called "Heirs" Another one with Lee Minho. I really like him as an actor. 

Jaebum came back from the kitchen with two glasses of water in his hands. 'here you go' He put my glass in front of me on the table. 'Thank you Bumbum.' Jaebum chuckled 'Bumbum? Really' I now had to laugh too. 'Sorry' I chuckled. 'It's cute,' Jaebum smiled. I returned my gaze to the tv.  


Jaebum and I spend the day together just watching kdrama and I honestly enjoyed it. Jaebum also didn't try anything. Jaebum can be so nice and sweet, but why is he sometimes just acting so weird? I really don't understand it... 

Right now I'm changing. Jaebum asked me he could take me with him to eat out in a restaurant so of course, I wanted to look at least a little bit decent. Jaebum told me that he had a dress for me that he could wear. I don't know why he has dresses but I'm not even going to ask, He could have bought them because I am here or something? Or he already planned a few things and that's why he has them.

Anyways I wore the dress and I was really excited with the choice. It was a baby pink dress till my knees and nothing revealing. It looked classy and elegant exactly how I like it. 

'y/n? Are you ready to go?' I heard Jaebum ask me through the door, 'yeah, one second.' I replied to him and quickly applied a bit of makeup onto my face. I left the room and I saw Jaebum waiting for me leaning against the wall 'Girls always take so long.' He teased me and I playfully rolled my eyes. 

I guess tonight won't be a bad night.

Jaebum and I entered the restaurant. It was a very chic restaurant, not a place I would go on my own. Also, this would be too expensive for me to pay. We walked to our table and I stumbled a little bit. I still was a little bit weak and maybe this night was a bit too much for my body yet. Luckily Jaebum grabbed me. 'You have to be careful y/n.' He looked at me worriedly. I gave him a small smile in reply, 'Yeah, I'm sorry, this must be a little bit too much to handle for my body.' Jaebum frowned 'Oh, I... I'm sorry it was my idea to go here and if I knew you would be too weak... Stupid me it's obvious you're still weak.' He sighed looking a little, stressed?

'You need to sit.' Jaebum helped me walked to our table when in the corner of my eyes I saw someone who I actually hoped not to see right now. Youngk... As nice as the boys are, the fact that Youngk sees me with Jaebum is not good so I quickly looked away to the ground. I'm really sure that Youngk saw me... Damn it. 

- Youngk person of view -

I was out with my family when I saw someone in a pink dress I recognize... It's y/n. What is she doing here? She wasn't at school today either... I looked better and I saw she was with Jaebum. It looked really weird. Y/n nearly fell so I kind of wanted to go to her but then I saw Jaebum caught her. I did notice y/n looking a bit weak. I wonder what happened.

Oof I am sorry that I didn't update this weekend but school is really a pain in the ass :( Also I hope you like this chapter since I am really tired and just finished writing it

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Oof I am sorry that I didn't update this weekend but school is really a pain in the ass :( Also I hope you like this chapter since I am really tired and just finished writing it. If you like it please vote thank you so much for reading.


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