chapter 12

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- y/n person of view -

I am driving home with Sungjin right now. This whole day I've been distracted by what happened yesterday. We almost kissed again. We were so close... Sungjin was as red as a potato as we got interrupted again. 

I noticed that Sungjin drove past his house. "Sungjin?" I asked. "Huh," He said keeping his focus on driving. "We drove past your house," I looked at him. "I know," Sungjin said slightly smiling. "Where are we going?" I asked him curiously. "You'll see."

We arrived at a random parking lot in the middle of nowhere. There were a lot of dark pine trees and I could see there was a lake in the distance. It was really quiet and I felt a bit uneasy. It was already dark outside and that didn't make it any better.

Sungjin grabbed my hand and said; "Close your eyes." I looked at him questioning him. "Okay," I obeyed him because I don't think he'll do something weird. 

I knew we were walking towards that lake that I saw, because where else would he go? "We're almost there. I nodded in reply. After a while he said; "Open your eyes." 

I opened my eyes and my eyes were blessed with an amazing view of the lake and the starry sky. "The view is amazing," I said with wide eyes. "I know right? I always come here when I want to have a moment for myself. It's so cliché, I know." I looked at me straight in the eyes and I started to feel a little nervous. "It's a little cliché, but that's okay." I smiled at him and I took a step back. 

But then I fell over a pebble and grabbed Sungjin so that I wouldn't fall. But then Sungjin fell with me and I closed my eyes and waited to hit the ground what for some reason felt like an eternity.

I fell on the grass and Sungjin who is heavy on top of me, but I also felt something else.  Something soft... on my lips...


I opened my eyes and I saw that Sungjin's face extremely close was. I am kissing Sungjin. 

I think Sungjin came to the realization the same moment as me, but he didn't seem to mind.

He went off me and we sat on the grass. It was quiet, but I could see Sungjin was red and smiling. 

"I'm sorry Sungjin. I fell and I grabbed onto you," I said feeling a little bit embarrassed. "Don't worry y/n, it doesn't matter to me." Sungjin looked at me. "I didn't hate it," Sungjin said. "You didn't hate it? So you didn't like it either?" I asked Sungjin frowning a bit. "No! Not that either." Sungjin said quickly. "I don't understand it," I said. He didn't hate it, but also he didn't dislike it? does that mean he likes it? This is way to confusing. 

"Why did you bring me here?"I asked Sungjin ignoring what just happened. "I wanted to show you the amazing view and I just simply enjoy talking to you so I thought: 'Why not here?'" Sungjin smiled at me. "ahh okay," I said

- Jaebum person of view -

I was walking towards a lake I usually go to calm myself down when I feel frustrated or mad.  When I saw a car driving up the parking lot close by. I looked closely at it and I saw that y/n stepped out with Sungjin. y/n always looks beautiful... I can't understand why she's with Sungjin instead of me. 

I want to know where they're going. I can follow them, right? I just have to be quiet. I decided to follow them and they were walking the same direction I always go to the lake. I hid behind some trees on the way there and I don't think they noticed me. 

Sungjin held /n way to close for my liking...

I saw them together at the lake. Y/n fell and she grabbed onto Sungjin. Crap... I would've caught her but I can't reveal myself.

Hold me tight | Day6 Park Sungjin (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now