chapter 10

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Sungjin pov

It's morning and I'm really tired. I stayed awake the whole night thinking about y/n. I failed to protect her and she almost killed herself. I looked at her bed and I saw her peacefully sleeping. She was still attached to the heart monitor. It was a steady pace, not to fast and not to slow.

I checked my phone and I saw I got a text from my parents. 

'Hi, Sungjin. Is everything okay with y/n?  Can we meet her today?' It said. I replied with; 

'I will ask her when she wakes up.' 

I put my phone away. I saw that y/n's eyes slowly started to open. She looked at me weakly. I could see it wasn't easy for her to keep her eyes open. It's because she had lost a lot of blood. I walked over to her bed and I carefully grabbed her hand. "Goodmorning," I said "Goodmorning." She replied. "Are you feeling better?" I asked her. "Yes, I feel better." she smiled. 

Then the doctor walked in. "Goodmorning y/n and Sungjin." He sounded happy. "Goodmorning," we both said. "I have good news, if y/n stays like this she can go home today. Everything is stable." I smiled happily. Everything is better than staying any longer inside this hospital. I feel treated like some mentally sick person (Which is for some part true). 

"I will leave now," the doctor said, "There are more people who need help." He smiled and left.

"This is amazing news y/n!" I exclaimed in delight. she smiled at me. "I'm happy about this too." 

y/n pov

"Oh y/n, by the way. My parents asked if they could visit today." Sungjin asked me while he looked it my eyes for approval. I nodded and gave a smile. "I will text them then." Sungjin grabbed his phone out of his pocket while the other hand was still holding mine. 

After an hour Sungjin's parents arrived. Also, my parents gave us a surprise visit. So both of our parents are here now. I feel like I'm getting nervous even though I don't really know why. I then suddenly heard my mother say my name.

"y/n, Sungjin's parents and we discussed something. We wanted to know what you were thinking about it." My mom asked with a serious voice. "What is it, mom?" I asked my mom. "Well, we want that from today on you'll be living with Sungjin's parents. We already discussed the details. We only need your opinion." I was surprised... I mean... Years later and they care about me? They want me to live with someone I barely know? "Euhmm... I need to think about that." I told my mom. "You don't have to think about that y/n. It's already arranged." Mom added. When did they even discuss this? I looked at Sungjin, he looked just as surprised as I am. 

"Who's idea was this?" Sungjin asked. "It was mine." my mom said. "Mom, really? Years later you care about me? You suddenly don't want to leave me alone?" I scoffed. "Yah, y/n! Years ago you didn't try to commit suicide. I'm done with your obvious comments. You will move in with them as soon as you're fired from the hospital!" 

I remained silent. I didn't know what to say. 


Sungjin had driven me home after I was fired from the hospital. I was now packing my stuff to go to Sungjin. I can't believe my parents make these kinds of decisions without talking to me... I mean I understand them... They shouldn't have found out about this. I should've died. I wouldn't have all these problems anymore. 

I am really nervous about moving in with Sungjin too, I barely know that family... I mean Sungjin saved my life. I don't think he would do me anything, but... ahhh I don't know... This is too difficult for me. All these problems and I'm not even used to having actual real friends. 

I grabbed a big sports bag and me one by one put clothes and stuff inside the bag. I tried to take as much with me as possible so that I don't have to return home. My parents want me to move out. They haven't spent time on me in years. they are like actual strangers to me. I don't think I want to go back anymore after I leave so... Better that I don't have to go back.


Sungjin pov

After I had brought y/n home to pack some stuff I decided to go to Youngk's place. I want to tell him about what happened in the hospital. I bet he won't believe me. I barely believe it myself. Did our parents really arrange that?

 I sighed. I barely know y/n... I mean needs help. We all know that and I promised to protect y/n. This makes it easier for me too. But for both of us. This may be too much in our personal space... We are both not really social people. 

I arrived at Youngk's house and I guess YoungK saw me because he opened the door before I could know.

"How is y/n? Is she okay? Did the night go well? You stayed with her the whole time right?" Youngk asked me tons of questions. "Also, hi," I said while rolling my eyes. Youngk laughed. "Come inside," he said. 

We walked inside into his bedroom. His bass was on his bed. I guess he was playing before I came. "You're practicing a lot lately, aren't you?"I asked Youngk, "Yes, I am. I need to become better if I want to pursue a career in music." He said. 

"Anyways, please tell me how y/n is?" Youngk asked. 

"She's fine, I brought her home before I went to you. She's now packing her stuff." I said as I sat down on a chair next to his desk. "Why is she packing her stuff?" YoungK asked as he frowned. " She'll be living with me and my family," I said. YoungK's mouth fell open. "Watch out for flies," I said laughing. "Sungjin! This is not a joke," YoungK said, "Is she really living with you? Why? how? When?" He started asking tons of questions. "Our parents decided that.  Her parents are barely home so she wants us to take care of her. I'm picking her up on my way home." I told him. "Are you okay with this? Won't you feel... Lik your privacy is invaded or something?" YoungK asked my kind of hesitating. He knows I am a bit of a loner "We both will give each other space. I know y/n loves to me on her own too. Just like I do." YoungK nodded in reply.


I was now driving home with y/n and her stuff. We shared the same comfortable silence as usual. After a while, we entered my house and I showed y/n the guest room that will be her room. We entered her room. I had been carrying a few of her bags.

"Thank you for helping me Sungjin, I think this will be both different for us." y/n smiled. She had a beautiful smile. I could see she didn't really know how to handle the situation neither did I. I grabbed a box from her t help her and something fell onto the ground. I put the box down and I saw that a book had fallen. The book said. 'Medics for beginners.' y/n looked at me and she saw I was holding one of her books. "Why do you have this book?"I asked her curiously. "Oh, I after I graduate I want to do something medical." I looked at her. I wasn't that surprised. I think she would fit with that kind of job. "Why do you want to do that?" I asked her curiously. "Oh, I want to be able to help people who need," she said proudly. "You don't have to become a doctor to do that," I said. "I know but I just like it." I nodded and we continued to unpack her stuff.


I'm sorry for the sort of crappy chapter

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I'm sorry for the sort of crappy chapter. This is a start for a new part in the book. Things wil become heavier than before :) Also I have officially finished the outline for this book and it will be 49 chapters (If I don't change anything). 

Lot's of love.

- San

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