chapter 32

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- y/n person of view -

We arrived quite early today because we spoke to the lawyer and all. Well, the parents did. I hope everything went well and that they will get justice for Sungjin. Jaebum and Yugyeom both have to suffer. We now only have to wait for the judge's final words. 

I sat in the banks behind the place Sungjin and Wonpil were.  On the other side in the front Jaebum and Yugyeom. I sat next to Jae and Youngk who were just as nervous as I was. 

'I close the case with my last words. That Im Jaebum is innocent. Too little evidence and no valid motive.' The judge said and finished. I heard Jae whisper a no and I could notice Youngk getting angry 'Youngk stay calm.' I tried to calm him down meanwhile I was frustrated myself. He tried to kill Sungjin. Is this judge insane?! There is no lack of evidence since they were literally found in the water by Wonpil and the police. Oh god.

The judge had left and everyone was walking around. Mark seemed so annoyed as he looked at Sungjin. I quickly went to Sungjin and gave him a hug. But I got pulled back by Jae 'Don't do that in front of Jaebum's eyes.' He said with a stern voice.  'Okay,' I whispered. 'We should get home, I guess.' Sungjin said. I nodded in reply and we all started walking away. Sungjin drove the boys and me home. 'I can't believe they actually won.' Wonpil said sighing. 'I can't either, it's just not fair.' Dowoon shook his head. I looked at Youngk who seemed to be quiet. He didn't interfere that much in all the got7 fights etc. But I knew he really honestly was worried and he wanted Jaebum to pay for all the suffering the boys had to go through. 'Youngk?' I said 'hm?' He hummed in reply 'Are you okay? You're awfully quiet 'Do you think I'm okay when literally the person who tried to kill my friend is still walking around?' He snapped 'Ok, sorry for asking.' I whispered and turned to look outside. 'Hyung! That's not nice.' Dowoon said suddenly scolding Youngk. 'Dowoon, it doesn't matter. I understand him.' I looked at Dowoon but he really didn't seem amused by Youngk's behaviour so he scoffed. Sungjin then put his hand on my knee and looked at me for a short moment giving me a little smile. 

After we arrived home we gathered in the living room and we sat down. 'Okay, so Jaebum won.' Sungjin's father sighed. 'This means you'll have to be extremely careful at school. Jaebum could plan something even worse and we want to avoid anything happening to you all.' Dowoon's mom added and we nodded. 'I guess it's now better if we take a break from it and we go do something fun?' Jae's mom said. 'Sure,' Jae said. After that, we decided to go to Sungjin's room and go do something fun. 'shall we play some games?' Jae suggested and we all agreed on that idea. 

Jae and Sungjin started against each other with playing some racing game and I suddenly got a message.

Jinyoung: "y/n! Come to our place, the boys really want to game with you!"

y/n: "I am not sure if I can go. My parents rather have me home now." 

Jinyoung: "Ah, please!! We would really like to have you over!"

I sighed. I knew that rejecting the offer wouldn't help. Jinyoung would keep asking.

Youngk sat next to me and I showed him the texts 'He won't let it go.' I whispered so that Sungjin would not hear. 'It's fine you can go.' Youngk said sighing 'I will tell Sungjin.' He then added I gave him a thankful smile and left the room without him noticing. 

I wanted to walk downstairs but then I overheard a conversation from the parents. 'Don't you all find it odd Jaebum's parents weren't there?' I heard Wonpil's mom say. 'Yeah, I noticed that too. I wonder why. There must be a good reason not appearing when your son is charged.' Youngk's mom said. 'I don't know, but maybe this could be the reason why Jaebum is like that.' Jae's mom said. 'I don't know. As long as that boy doesn't touch any of our children anymore. I don't even want to know what would've happened if Wonpil didn't save Sungjin.' Sungjin's mom added.

I walked downstairs secretly sneaking past the living room outside. I then went to the bus.

 y/n: "I am on my way." I send to Jinyoung. 

The bus arrived and sat down. It was a hard day today and it doesn't even end right here. If I just didn't talk with Sungjin that day and Wonpil didn't help me. This all would've never happened. It's my fault. All of the boys are really hurt but they hide it. What can I do? I felt like crying. No! y/n, don't cry, I told myself. I have to stay strong for now.

I arrived at their apartment and Jaebum immediately opened the door. 'Hi, y/n. Nice to see you come in.' he said and we walked inside. We walked to the living room and I noticed the parents of the boys were still there. Well without Jaebum's. 'Hi, you must be y/n. Jinyoung told us you were coming!' A relatively young woman said. 'Hi, I'm y/n.' I bowed politely. 'I'm Bambam's mother.' she smiled politely and I sat down on the couch. I started talking with Bambam's mother and Mark meanwhile the other boys were preparing a game or something. 

'Bambam.' His mother said. 'Yes, mom?' He replied when he turned to look at her. 'Find yourself a girlfriend like y/n.' he chuckled. 'hm, yeah sure.' he turned to continue what he was doing. 'I heard you and Jaebum were dating. Is he a bit nice to you?' Bambam's mom suddenly asked as she smiled at me. Did the boys really tell their parents we were dating? O, God. 'Hm?' I said confused. 'Yes, they are dating miss. I guess y/n is a bit surprised you knew miss.' Jinyoung suddenly interfere. 'uhm, yeah.' I fake smiled. Whoever told her that? 

'It's done let's play some games!' The boys said as they gave me a controller.

After an hour or 2, it was already 8 pm and I decided to go home. 'I have to go, it's late.' I said as I grabbed my stuff. 'Let me take you home,' Jaebum said as he followed me. 'y/n can take herself home. You will stay here.' I heard Mark's mom say. 'Okay, I'm sorry miss Tuan.' He said. He followed me to the front door and we said bye. 

I was now on the bus looking at the stars shining in the sky. There were only two or three people in the bus so there was enough space, but yet there was a boy who sat next to me. 'Hi, I don; t know who you are but you looked so sad so I wanted to say Hi.' he put his bag down and looked at me. 'Oh hi, thank you, but I'm okay.' I forced a smile. Something I do regular lately. 'you're not and it's written all over your face.' he sighed. 'I'm Hyunjin. Nice to meet you.' Hyunjin? it's a nice name. 'Hi, I'm y/n. Nice to meet you too.' I smiled and looked back out of the window. 'Hard day today?' He tried to bring up a conversation. 'You don't even know... Anyways are you okay?' I tried to turn the conversation. 'Hm well yeah... sort of, just a lot on my mind.' he said shrugging his shoulders. 'You can tell me.' I gave him a gentle smile. 'Well, I did an audition for JYP entertainment. But I don't know If I will get accepted and I'm worried.' he looked at the ground. 'Don't worry. I think you will be accepted! Trust yourself! You did your best and that's all you can do.' I said making him smile. 'Thank you y/n. I hope whatever happened to you. Everything will be alright for you too.' He replied and then the bus stopped. 'I have to get off here! Bye Hyunjin! I hope I will see you once again someday!' I smiled and left.

I was in front of Sungjin's house when someone came walking towards me. It was Sungjin. He must be worried about me. 'Y/n!' He said and hugged me. 'Why are you so worried.' I hugged him back. 'Well, you were with Jaebum. That's reason enough.' I chuckled 'That's right.' I said. 'Let's go inside. You're freezing.' I told Sungjin and he let me go. We stepped inside and walked upstairs 'Do you want to watch some tv with me in my room?' I asked Sungjin. 'Yeah, sure. Sounds good.' Sungjin replied and he followed me to my room.

' Sungjin replied and he followed me to my room

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I feel like this sucked. :) Next chapter will be interesting :) 

Also, there is a reason Straykids is appearing out of the sudden hint hint

Lot's of love


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