chapter 21

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Youngjae's memory...

A fifteen-year-old boy who got into a bad argument with his parents because he was protecting his big sister who leaves the house at night to 'study'. Youngjae knew all to well she was lying but he didn't want his parents to treat her like that.

Then one-night Youngjae decides to give up the good life he had living in a rich house. To protect his sister. They both moved out of their parents' house and moved to a completely new city for both of them. His sister was eighteen so she was allowed to do so. But she didn't work. The one working was Youngjae. The only thing Joy did was leaving every-night and returning in the morning.


- Youngjae person of view -

It was already 1 AM and Joy hadn't arrived home yet. In a few minutes, I have to go to my part-time job. Where the hell is she?

I waited a little longer, maybe she's just with her friends or something. I decided to go to work until I suddenly got a call the caller's ID said: 'Joy' Finally she's replying.

"yah, Joy. Where the hell are you?!" I shouted through the phone. "Is this Choi Youngjae? Joy's brother?" A deep male voice asked. "Yes? Who am I speaking with? Where's Joy?" I asked a bit stressed. "Listen, kid. Sit down and calm down, okay?" The voice said. I sat down on a chair. "Okay, are you going to tell me where my sister is now?" I asked the voice getting more and more a bad feeling about this.

"Choi Youngjae... Your sister is dead..." The voice said calmly. But I was everything but calm. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN DEAD? IS THIS SOME SORT OF STUPID JOKE?!" I started shouting. My sister isn't dead! "This is not a joke Choi Youngjae. Your sister committed suicide a few hours ago." The voice said and I broke down. "You will have to pack your stuff and go back to your parents."The low voice added. "No, I won't go back to my parents," I said and I hung up. I decided to call Mark. He was the only friend I made when I moved here.

"Hi Youngjae," Mark said cheerfully.

"My mark, I have a question. Can I live with you and your parents?"

"Why? What happened Youngjae?"

"My sister committed suicide and I will have to move back to my parents if I don't go." I sighed.

"Sure, pack your stuff. I will talk to my parents. They won't say no. I am sure about that they already see you as their own child." Mark said.

"Thank you, Mark."

"No problem Youngjae."

I then hung up.

Why does life have to be so unfair? Why did I have to lose my sister?

I won't ever care for a girl like this again.

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