chapter 40

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- y/n person of view -

Sungjin and I are going to Jae's place which became the usual place we'd hang out. Jae and Wonpil wanted to tell me something and they sounded worried through the phone. I think Sungjin knew about it as well since he seems to appear a bit off. 'Sungjin? Are you okay?' I asked him, he didn't look at me and replied: 'I'm fine.' I pouted. 'You don't seem like it.' I sighed and returned to look at the road as well as not expecting a reply. 

The rest of the drive to Jae's house was in silence. When we arrived and Sungjin opened the door for me and I got out of the car. We knocked on the door and Jae opened it. 'Hi,' he gave us a smile. 'Hi Jae' I said giving him a hug. He didn't seem to expect the hug but eventually hugged me back. I feel like I can trust Jae and the other boys more and more and I just wanted to show that I love him in my way. Of course love in a friend type of way. 'Let's go upstairs.' Sungjin interrupted and grabbed my hand and gently pulled me with him. Jae and I chuckled at Sungjin's jealous behaviour. Wonpil, Youngk and Dowoon were already waiting inside Jae's room. I sat at the end of the bed next to Sungjin and Wonpil and Dowoon said across me on chairs. Sungjin had a hand on my tight and looked and me deeply with his beautiful deep dark eyes. Then he turned to look at the other boys as they start about what they wanted to tell me. Sungjin is teasing me and getting revenge because he felt jealous. We'll see about that. 'Okay so y/n, there is something you have to know.' Jae started. and I looked at him. 'that is?' I furrowed my eyebrows. 'That Jinyoung threatened us that if you won't stop hanging out with us, he'll get revenge.' my eyes widened. I start to hate these boys more and more as time passes. 'What are we going to do?' I asked them as I let out a sigh of frustration. 'We don't have a choice. The boys and I already thought about it but we don't know. There is only one possibility.' Jae said cautiously and calmly. I knew he was scared, scared of what the boys would do if he didn't listen. He didn't want to end like Sungjin, nearly dead... 

I understand they didn't tell me sooner. They had to process this too, just like I have to now. 'what is it?' I asked. 'You will have to spend a lot more time with got7 and less with us. Sungjin and you can't go to school together or study together. Nothing actually except for sitting next to each other in class. Since we can't exchange seats.' Jae said it very quickly, and everything he said made me so annoyed and I just don't want to be near those boys. They are crazy. I am NOT going to ignore the fact Jaebum nearly killed Sungjin and I will NOT EVER date that psycho. 'Okay,' I replied calmly. 'Are you okay?' Sungjin asked me. 'Yeah, how about you?' I asked him as I looked him in the eyes. After all, Sungjin is the one I really like so I want to know how he feels about it too. 'Yeah, we have too. Of course, I don't like it.' Sungjin put his lip a bit and looked away. 'Everything else we will figure out at school.' Wonpil suggested. I glanced over to look at Youngk and Dowoon who seemed awfully quiet and they looked sad. Of course, they weren't happy that is obvious. But the two really seemed to care about Sungjin and me, which made me happy. Not only someone cares for me, but Sungjin has amazing friends. 'Like if you want to spend some time together while you still can. Go ahead we're done telling you this stuff. We understand if you want to go.' Jae said shrugging his shoulders. 'Thank you hyung.' Sungjin grabbed my hand and he stood up, so I immediately stood up too. 'I think it's best if we go home now.' Sungjin and I bowed. 'Bye guys!' I said and waved as we left. 

When we arrived in my room Sungjin closed the door and hugged me. His cologne smelled very manly and wasn't that strong so it didn't suffocate me. I kinda like the smell of men cologne. My small hands embraced around his broad upper body as he held me close and I felt like I was at the safest place I could ever be. I felt a tear on my shirt and I noticed Sungjin was crying. 'Sungjin' I whispered. 'Don't cry.' I added as he held me tighter without choking me. he let go of me and my heart broke in a thousand pieces as he had glossy eyes and his hair was a little bit messed up by the wind outside. 'Why are you crying?' I wiped a tear from under his eye with my thumb. 'It's too much for me y/n... Why can't it be easier for us?' he tried to get himself together. 'I don't know Sungjin, but we are together right now. Let's enjoy our time together. I want to get to know everything about you.' I gave him a smile and he smiled back. I pulled him to my bed and we cuddled up. 'where should we start?' I chuckled. I actually don't have a clue about how to start a conversation.' Sungjin chuckled. 'Dog or cat?' Sungjin raised an eyebrow. 'dog,' I exclaimed. 'ah, same. 'Did you ever break a bone?' he then asked. 'No, I bruised my ankle when I fell over my own feet.' Sungjin laughed 'I not only have to protect you from Jaebum but also yourself?' I gave him a teasing push 'Yah, don't bully me! I am just a little bit clumsy...' 

and so on we kept talking till late. Well until Sungjin's mom commanded Sungjin to leave my room. I barely ever had so much fun with anyone. I can only look him in the eyes and see how much I love him and how much I care about him. I need him. Sungjin makes me happy in ways I can't describe... 

'Oh my god, I think I'm in love... with Park Sungjin...'

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