Chapter 28

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- Youngk person of view -

"Yah, Jae," I called Jae over the phone. "What's up?" I heard Jae say. "Can I come over?" I heard Jae talking to Wonpil in the background. "yeah sure, the others are here too. Didn't you have dinner with your parents though?" when Jae said that I remembered that I just left without saying bye to my parents. I am probably going to be in problems, but that's not important now. "Youngk?" I heard Jae ask. "Yeah I had dinner with my parents but something weird happened I will explain when I'm at your place." "Okay" Jae replied and I hung up.

I just got out of the bus, I still had to walk like five minutes to Jae. I was constantly thinking about what happened in the restaurant. I don't understand it. y/n dislikes Jaebum very strongly but now she's going on a date with him? Why would she do that? Of course, what Sungjin did was not a good choice, but her moving on so fast and then dating Jaebum does not make sense at all. 

I knocked on Jae's door and then it got opened, "Hi Youngk." Sungjin greeted me and we went inside. "Sungjin, hi." I greeted him back. I kinda was hoping he was not here so I could discuss it with the other boys but this is okay too, it may be for the better he knows it too. SO that he won't be caught off guard when he sees them together at school. We went upstairs to Jae's room and Jae was talking to Wonpil and Dowoon. We all greeted each other and I sat next to Sungjin on Jae's bed. "Soo, what's so important that you came right after dinner here? Since you're still wearing all fancy clothes." Jae asked. "Well, my family and I were having dinner and then I saw y/n." I said but got interrupted by Sungjin, "How is she?" He said and is really focused on what I am going to say, "well, she looked weak. But that's not what surprised me most. But she was with..." I hesitated a bit. "With who?" Wonpil asked. "With Jaebum..." I said and I looked at Sungjin. I could see he was hurt. Like really hurt, I know him for so long and I haven't seen him this hurt since Jisoo... "Sorry" I whispered. "It's okay, she's moving on. It's my fault, it's all my own fault. I should've thought twice before calling her that. Or for hitting Youngjae like that." He sighed and looked down. "Hyung? Are you crying?" Dowoon suddenly said. I then felt a sting in my heart. Poor Sungjin, he doesn't deserve to feel this hurt honestly... I want to help Sungjin but I can't. "Guys, don't you find this situation odd" Jae suddenly said, "What do you mean hyung?" Dowoon asked. "Okay I may be crazy but for some reason, I think this is all planned by Jaebum and his friends." We all looked at Jae. How can all of this be planned? Who is crazy enough to think of something like this? They're all crazy. "But Jae, how? Jaebum and Yugyeom aren't smart enough for this. Their answer is violence. Just like last time when they even tried to kill Sungjin." I said and the boys agreed. Damn, I am getting a headache of this. "I don't think it's Mark either... If Mark gets into problems all the boys won't be able to live together anymore." Wonpil said. I looked at Wonpil and he was staring at Sungjin. Usually, when Wonpil stares he's either annoyed or extremely 'fascinated'. I guess he's annoyed.

"So the only ones remaining are Jinyoung, Jackson, Bambam or Youngjae?" Jae said as he sounded like he was thinking.  "Maybe Youngjae?" Sungjin suggested. "Won't that be too obvious?" Wonpil asked.  Ẃhat do you mean?" Jae looked at Wonpil. "Well, Youngjae has been playing a big part in this so-called 'plan', wouldn't that be a bit obvious?" Jae sighed "Well, I guess you're right. So only Jinyoung, Jackson or Bambam?" We nodded in agreement to Jae. "Not Bambam." Dowoon suddenly said. "And why?" Wonpil asked him. "He's too busy with partying and having fun." Dowoon said, "But he would stand up for his friends." I argued with him. "That's true. But I just don't think it's him." Dowoon shrugged his shoulders and I sighed.  "I guess we need to figure out tomorrow who it is," I said. 

- Sungjin person of view -

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