chapter 8

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It is Monday morning and I arrived at school. I saw that the boys were waiting for me as usual.  I walked over to them, we greeted each other and after that, we went inside. I noticed a few girls glaring at me. 'Nothing unusual' I thought to myself. But I noticed they weren't just glaring at me, but also at Sungjin. 'Sungjin didn't do anything bad' I also thought 'Why would they dislike him?'I sighed. That's probably because he's friends with me... I don't deserve them, they are too good for me. 

We entered the classroom and went to our seats. The got7 boys entered a few minutes later. I saw that Jaebum looked at me as if he felt hurt and Yugyeom looked at Sungjin extremely angry. Would they know Sungjin and I hung out Saturday? I hope they don't because Jaebum wouldn't like that... Ahh, whatever... Jaebum can think what he wants. I can live my life the way I want.

The teacher entered the classroom and we started the class.

Class ended and we went to the cafeteria. I was walking with the boys when suddenly a girl bumped against me. "Sorry not sorry, this is because you hurt Jaebum oppa. Also if I was you I would leave Sungjin, because you don't want him to get hurt because of you, right?" She said that whispering in my ear so that the boys didn't hear it. 

"Are you okay?" Sungjin asked me worriedly. "Yes, I'm fine. She did it accidentally so it doesn't matter." I said with a smile. Well fake smile, but I won't tell Sungjin that.

Sungjin pov

We sat in the cafeteria and I could see y/n was a little off since she bumped against that girl. I wonder what she said that y/n is like this. The other boys also noticed y/n wasn't acting like herself. "Y/n? Are you sure you are okay?" Wonpil asked y/n. "ah yes, I'm really fine Wonpil." She smiled at him. I know she's hiding something and the other boys do too. But how can I make her talk?

After half an hour the bell rang and we went back to our classes. 

y/n pov

The class was as boring as usual. Sungjin who sat next to me was working on lyrics and he was really focused on it. I couldn't help but stare at him. He's really cute when he's concentrated. "Park Sungjin, could you tell me the four causes of world war one?" The teacher asked Sungjin who looked up at the teacher surprised. Probably because he doesn't remember. "Euhmm..." Sungjin Ticking with his pencil on the table. "I'm waiting." The teacher said annoyed. I whispered to Sungjin. "Nationalism, militarism, alliances and imperialism." After that Sungjin said it out loud. "Good! But next time, don't let your girlfriend say it for you." The teacher said and everyone in the class started to whisper. I heard things like: "Oh wow, Sungjin really chose his girlfriend wrong, why would he want y/n when he can have a much smarter and prettier girl." and "poor Sungjin, Jaebum is gonna kill him." 

"She's not my girlfriend sir!" Sungjin suddenly said aloud. "We're just friends." He said a little quieter. That last part kind of hurt me... 

Even though Sungjin said that Jaebum didn't look happy... and Jinyoung was trying to calm him.

After a short moment the class calmed down and the teacher started the class again. 

I couldn't stop thinking about the sentence: "We're JUST friends." I mean of course, we're just friends... Who would want to date someone like me? I don't have the looks, I don't have the brains and definitely not the confidence. Shit... I hate myself so damn much, I don't deserve the boys. 

I need to distance myself from them... for their own sake...

Sungjin pov

The bell rang and I went to the boys. y/n had already walked out of the classroom. Did I hurt her or something? The remaining class y/n was so quiet. "Are you ready to go?" YoungK asked me. "Yes, sure," I replied back and we went to the car.

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