chapter 48

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- Sungjin person of view -

- one week later -

I got a call from Wonpil telling me he knows exactly where y/n is. Something about dancing with Jinyoung and a room he saw. He was talking very quickly so I didn't understand it well...

I and the other 2 boys arrived very quickly at the got7 apartment. 'Wonpil, you called the cops yet?' Wonpil nodded and went inside. 

'WAIT!' We heard a male shout behind us and turned around to see Youngk. 'If you're going to beat their ass' I have to join. He smiled and we were so happy that he's here. We clicked on the bell only it to be opened by Jinyoung. 'The fuck you doing here?' He asked me agitated. Wonpil pushed me slightly to the side and hit Jinyoung's face. 'I wanted to do this so badly before. This is what you get when you threaten my friends' Jinyoung quickly managed to get up and hit Wonpil but then Jae joined Wonpil and he hit Jinyoung straight against the nose and he fell down against the wall unconscious. 'oof, I didn't know I could fight this well.' Jae looked surprised. 'Sungjin you go to y/n. I will back you up and Dowoon, Jae and Youngk will keep an eye around. I followed Wonpil since he knew where that room is and when we arrived we noticed it is locked. I am not going to let a door stop is I hit very hard against the door and hit through it. It was really thin anyway. I looked at y/n and saw she had a lot of scratches on her face and arm. She was really thin and I immediately ran towards her and gave her a tight hug. 'Sungjin,' she whispered really weak into my ear. 

'it's going to be okay I promise...'

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