chapter 42 1/2

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- y/n person of view -

4 days passed and it was now Thursday. Because we have to avoid any type of suspicion I decided to hang out with the got7 boys after school. Youngjae came with the idea to bake cookies. 

We were now in the kitchen, Mark and Jackson were arguing over how the oven works and I was with the others already working on the dough. 'You know, y/n. Since you're close with us now we want to build a friendship with you and tell a bit about ourselves instead of the cold people you sometimes see.' Youngjae started. 'Hm?' I was confused about where Youngjae was going with this. 'We will tell you about our past and why we are here all seven together.' he added. Mark and Jackson interrupted and started helping us with the dough. 'Mark hyung maybe you should start.' Youngjae told Mark what it was about. 'Oh okay, well when I was eleven my little brother was bullied a lot and one time I was waiting for him, he didn't show up so I went inside the school, I didn't find him there. There was one place I hadn't looked yet which was the rooftop. I went there and there were the bullies too. Well, long story short my little brother fell off the building and died. From that day I promised to protect everyone close and important to me.' I was surprised by Marks confession and that he dared to tell me it so suddenly. 'Oh, Mark I am so sorry.' I could only say. 'Don't be sorry, I am okay now. I have six people I protect with my life now.' he slightly smiled at me.

'Okay, so I will try to keep the story short. I was 15 and I got into a fight with my parents because I was protecting my sister who they claimed was a slut. One day on another my 18-year-old sister and I fled home and we rented a small apartment. I was working and my sister was leaving every night again and again. Then one night the police called me to tell me she committed suicide. I am disappointed at her and myself when I think back. She lied to me. for F.CK SAKES I did everything for her! and what did I get in return a dead slut.' Youngjae was mad and Jaebum tried to calm him. I looked at him and he nodded at me.

'Okay, so maybe it's better if I continue.' Jackson said and we nodded. 'Well, I wasn't good enough for my family. So one night I left home and went to Korea. Without a plan. I lived on the streets for a short time and then got cast for a modelling career. Because well. Look at me. I am handsome. That's not the point though. I got money and moved into an apartment and later met the boys.' He shrugs his shoulders. 'Wow,' was the only thing I said and Jinyoung interrupted me and continued

'Well, I was very lonely when I was young. Then one day there was a new boy in my class, which was Jaebum, he was lonely too and that's how we ended up together. Also when he told me what happened with him at home. I promised to help him and my parents wanted to help him too.' Jinyoung smiled at Jaebum and Jaebum smiled back. Their friendship is cute and a bit weird though... It gives me a sinister feeling.

'Okay, so when I was young I was fat and bullied. Then one day in the canteen I was smeared with food by a bully when Bambam appeared and hit him.' Yugyeom said and Bambam continued. 'I hit the bully extremely hard and after that Yugyeom and I became friends. I learned him to get revenge and hurt everyone who hurts him. I learned that when I was young too. I had to protect my family... I was poor when I lived in Thailand. I did a few commercials and got more money. Then eventually we moved to Korea. I then came to knew Yugyeom.' Bambam pat Yugyeom's back and smiled proudly at his dongsaeng.

'So eventually-- 

- - -

I came home from the got7 boys and entered my room. What they told me was really heavy and I had to rethink it for a while. Should I tell Sungjin this? Maybe not yet... I do have to tell him it's important. But let's think about how I will tell him firstly. I sat on my bed and just stared for a while. When I heard a knock on the door. 'Come in!' I shouted. Sungjin was the one who stepped inside 'Hey' he said and I pat on the place next to me for him to sit. He then sat down. 'Did you have fun?' He asked me. 'No not really, it wasn't awful but I just don't want to be near them. They give me this weird feeling, which I don't like...' I sighed. 'Oh, I am sorry you have to be with them, for now, y/n. We have to continue this for a while... until we are done with school and we'll move.' I smiled at him 'Don't be sorry. It's not your fault.' I looked at him. We were both sitting and leaning against the headboard. 'But like, am I being good for you? As in, do I make you happy?' He asked me. He's so unsure of himself... I decided not to reply and give him a kiss instead. 

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