chapter 9

875 49 15

Sungjin pov

The ambulance arrived and they took y/n with them. In the ambulance, I sat down next to y/n. I held her hand the whole time. The ambulance asked me a lot of questions which some of them I couldn't answer. 

What if she doesn't wake up? It's my fault if she doesn't, I'm horrible... I should've protected her not hurt her so badly she'd want to kill herself. There also was another thought that went through my head. Could it be because of that girl at school? y/n also has bruises on her body from getting hit and I don't think she hit herself, so who did that?

I will find out who did that and if I know I'm going to kill that person for hurting y/n. 

I got a message from Jae:

"How is y/n? Was your suspicion right?" 

I replied to him.

"Yes, my suspicion was right. Come to the hospital ASAP. Y/n tried to kill herself with a knife."

It took Jae a while to reply back...

"OK, I will be there ASAP!"

After a while, we arrived at the hospital and y/n was brought to the surgery room immediately.

I really didn't want to let go of her hand... What if I can't hold it anymore after this? After 20 minutes the others arrived. 

"Where is y/n? Is she undergoing surgery? What is happening Sungjin?" Wonpil asked tons of questions. He looked as if he was going to go crazy from worry and fear. Dowoon tried to calm him as much as possible, but that wasn't easy.

Wonpil is a really calm person, but once someone he cares about is really hurt or in pain, he feels bad. Let alone in a situation like this, he'll go crazy. 

"y/n has surgery right now. She should be done in around twenty minutes." I told Wonpil. YoungK sat down next to me.

"She'll be alright. You need to calm a bit you look stressed." YoungK said, but right now... I wasn't able to calm down. It's my fault after all. "No YoungK, this is my fault. If she dies it's my fault. I should be protecting her, but I fail." I sighed and hit my head to the wall behind me hard out of frustration. "Stop Sungjin, you don't know if this is your fault or not. She never said it was your fault. It could've also been the girl from today." Jae said. He didn't sound happy. He always gets mad at me when I start blaming myself from everything. He thinks it's bullshit. 

I mean... I know it's not right... It's just that it became a habit. 

"I'm sorry Jae." I looked at him. "Don't apologize Sungjin," Jae said. "She'll be okay," Jae added and the other boys nodded.

Then the doctor walked out of the surgery room. "She'll be okay." he smiled and we started cheering. "Luckily you were on time, if not she'd have died. Also, we'll send a therapist to her when she wakes up and we called her parents. They want to meet you." The doctor said. 

I suddenly started to feel really nervous again. Why would they want to meet me? Well of course... I saved their daughter. Well, that's how they look at it. I almost killed her too... So yeah...

Then I saw the sisters drag y/n's bed and the guys and I followed it. She was brought into a room on the second floor. 

The guys and I sat next to y/n's bed processing what had happened. This is heavy for all of us. We all care about y/n a lot.

After ten minutes the door opened and it revealed two extremely worried adults. a woman in a suit with a tightly tied ponytail and a man who was tall with the same eyes as y/n has.

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