chapter 36

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Jaebum's second memory

'Mom I'm home!' I shouted as I entered the house. I put down my bag and I heard a scream 'Mom?' I shouted. I decided to go upstairs maybe she's there. Why is mom screaming though? maybe she saw a spider. I stood in front of my mom's door and I recognized a sound. It was a sound that sadly I hear a lot. 

It's the sound of my father's fist hitting my mom's fragile skin. I peeked through the door and I saw something unusual. There was a lot of blood on my parents' bed. My father was hitting my mom's jaw now 'Why are you so weak? You're already dead! You're no fun!' He shouted as he lifted the fragile dead body to throw it at the wall. I screamed at the sound of the body crashing onto the ground. My father now looked my way and I felt so scared... I don't think I've ever felt as scared as this. 'Jaebum, you're home.' a narcissistic smile grew on his face 'D-Dad' I said as I ran away. But before I was able to leave the house my father grabbed the back of my shirt and I chocked. He pulled me the stairs back up and pushed me into my room. He grabbed something out of his pocket but I couldn't see what it was. He pushed me on the bed and lifted my shirt up.

I could now see what he was holding. A lighter...

He then made burn scars all over my chest. I cried out in pain which made him smile. Why is he, my father? My father wouldn't hurt me! No, he's a monster. I need to be strong. I have to get away from here. If now I will end up dead...

I managed to kick my father's crotch and he fell in pain. I have to run now!!!

I climbed off my bed and ran out of my room. My father was behind me but I threw the door shut in his face. I jumped down the stairs and ran out of my house. I quickly dialled the police's number and told them what happened meanwhile I ran to Jinyoung's house. I'm safe there... 


Days passed and I am now at my mother's funeral. A lot happened though... Jinyoung's parents adopted me and I share a room with Jinyoung, my father got sentenced life in prison for murder and child abuse. That is exactly what he deserves...

The ceremony ended and it was time to say my final goodbye. 

I felt a stinging feeling in my heart, I have to say my goodbye right now... to the woman who gave birth to me. To the person who protected me from my father... I would be in her place right now if she didn't protect me. I wish I would've been in her place. She didn't deserve today.

I stood in front of the grave and I held a small brown bear with a blue bow. the sun was shining through the trees. It was a quiet area and the grave was covered with flowers since my mom was a very loved person. Everyone would love to be friends with her as she was quite popular. There were only ten people left including me and Jinyoung's parents.  It was a very private goodbye...

'Mom... there are so many things I wished I could tell you.  So many things I regret. Why did you have to die? Why??? The last family I have, father was never part of our family. It was always you and me.

But I guess from today on, it's just me.'

I put the bear on the grave... 

A tear fell from my eye and Jinyoung, from whom I forgot was next to me, wiped it. 'Thank you Jinyoung.' he gave me a sympathetic smile. 

Did mom send me Jinyoung? Did my mom know this would happen and gave me someone? I will protect Jinyoung now. I won't let Jinyoung get hurt...

My heart hurt while writing this

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My heart hurt while writing this. I can't imagine what Jaebum is feeling...


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