Chapter 4

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It's now 6pm and I am getting ready for the party we're invited to. I am really nervous about tonight.. I don't know what I can expect. I mean I've been to parties before, but never a party of the popular guys. Second of all why would the got7 boys suddenly invite us for a party? and why is Jaebum so interested in me now? I took a dress out of closet. It was a red dress, mayby it's a little to short. But I don't know what else to wear to impress those people there.

After an hour I was done and I went downstairs. The boys said they will pick me up to go to got7's appartment. Then I saw the boys were already here. 'Hi y/n.' Jae said. Jae sat next to Sungjin who was driving. Dowoon and Young K sat behind them and I went to sit next to Wonpil, in the most backs seats of the car. 'Are you ready?' Young K asked 'Yes I am.' I replied when I put on my seatbelt.

'Guys do you really think it's a good idea that we go to their party?' I asked the boys. 'Why not? I mean, why would they do something to us?' YoungK said with a smile. 'Well they're really unpredictable. They sometimes think it's funny to pull pranks on innocent people. Sooo.. I don't know what to expect.'

'I don't they they would pull a prank on us. We're with 6 together it's not like they would be able to do something like that if we stay together.' Jae added. 'I'm sure they would know a way to separate us..' I sighed. I noticed Sungjin held the steering wheel really tight. 'Sungjin? Why do you look so annoyed?' Dowoon asked and Sungjin scoffed. 'I don't like the idea of this party. I feel like something bad is about to happen.' He sounded like he's trying to hide his anger. I guess I'm not the only one who disslikes the idea of this party. 'Sungjin relax.' YoungK said as he put a hand on Sungjin's shoulder to calm him down.

I noticed Wonpil didn't say a word this whole time and when I looked at him I saw that he was lost in thoughts. 'Wonpil?' I asked him as I tapped his shoulder. Wonpil startled and looked at me. 'Oh hi y/n.' He smiled innocently. 'What were you thinking about?' I asked him as I smiled back. 'Oh nothing special. I am just looking forward to the party.' 'Oh okay'

I guess Sungjin and I are the only ones who are doubting.

After ten minutes we arrived at a big appartment complex. We stepped out of the car. Jae held the door for me. He's such a gentle man, but why does he remind me of chicken little? I laughed at myself. Then suddenly I heard Dowoon say

'Wow they must be rich.' he was admiring the tall expensive looking complex.

'Hii guys, you arrived.' Bambam said as he came walking towards us with a smile. 'Wow y/n! You look really pretty. I hope you don't make Jaebum too crazy with a dress like that.' I blushed at what he said. I also realised that mayby my dress choice wasn't a good idea.

We greeted each other and went inside with Bambam. I noticed got7's house is huge. It could be ten times my house. Why would they need so many rooms for just seven boys. Also the fact that the only one that is actually old enough to live alone is Mark. Who would be paying this house?

Then Jae tapped on my shoulder 'This is big isn't it? How do they even pay this?' He said as he was looking around himself, looking at the paintings on the wall. 'Probably their parents.' YoungK added. I nodded as a yes.

After looking around I noticed I lost everyone. Where even are they? Then I felt someone's hands on my waist. 'Hey baby girl. It's your favourite person?' I didn't even have to guess who it was. His deep and calm voice made it clear.

'What is it Jaebum?' I shortly said. 'Don't be so rude y/n. You're the guest here.' He smirked. He then turned me to face him. 'Let's start again.' Jaebum added and smiled with a cocky smile. 'Would you like something to drink.' He took my hand. I didn't feel good by the fact that Jaebum was constantly touching me. 'Yes, sure.' I replied with a smile. 'I will be right back baby. Don't leave, if you leave I will be sad.' He added the last part with a pout. 'Okayy' I smiled awkwardly. Then Jaebum left. After I couldn't see him anymore I quickly went further in the crowd to the dance floor. Hoping I would find one of the boys there.

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