chapter 13

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- y/n person of view -

 It's Friday and I'm already in class. The teacher wanted us to relook the assignment we did. So again, I was with Youngjae. He has something... I don't really like it, but I also don't feel like I can hate him. I need to keep my distance to Youngjae... I should act cold and distant.

"Hey, y/n," Youngjae said as he walked over to my seat. Sungjin already went to Jaebum reluctantly. "Hi," I said as I didn't pay attention to Youngjae but to my notebook. The teacher left a paper on the table about the critiques he had. "Shall we look at the critiques?" Youngjae asked with a sweet voice. I just nodded. I saw Youngjae narrowed his eyes and frowned from the corners of my eyes.  "Okay", Youngjae said, "The teacher wrote down that there wasn't enough engagement between us." Youngjae read what the teacher said. I sighed I didn't even pay attention to Youngjae who was trying to socialize with me. 

"Yah, y/n? reply to me!" Youngjae started to become annoyed. "Huh," I only hummed in reply. 

I saw Youngjae stood up from his seat and he went to the teacher. Idk what he's gonna do.

- Youngjae person of view -

I walked over to the teacher frustrated. She's barely replying to me. I have to become closer to her. I have to break that damn relationship y/n and Sungjin have as soon as possible. So if y/n wants to play like this. She'll get everything she deserves. 

Can't she at least treat me with respect? I'm older than her. So she has too. 

I'm sorry Jaebum, I don't know if you're going to like what I'm going to do.

I walked over to the teacher and explained to him what is going on and that y/n won't coöperate. I also told him what I wanted him to do. He'll have to listen to me. I could get his ass fired with The power Mark's parents have.

"Okay, Youngjae. If you want that you'll get that." The teacher said and I nodded. 

The teacher walked over to y/n and I walked behind him. I put on a smile and enjoyed what will happen.

"Miss y/n, I heard from your partner Youngjae that you won't coöperate with the work. So I have no choice. You will be finishing the rest of the project with Youngjae in the break today. " The teacher said seriously.

"But teacher! This is also a punishment for Youngjae." I said trying to convince him of a bad idea. "punish Youngjae? Youngjae always helps me in the breaks. I'm sure an innocent kind boy like Youngjae wouldn't mind it." The teacher looked at me. "No, sir. I don't complain. I'd love to finish this project and spend longer with y/n." I smiled at the teacher. I turned my head and winked at y/n. Luckily the teacher didn't see.


- Jaebum person of view -

After school, I arrived at the graveyard. I wanted to visit my mom today and tell her about everything that had happened. I try to visit her as much as possible but school and social life are not really letting me.

I  put the pink flowers I had bought for my mom on her grave. My mom loves pink flowers. That's why I always buy them for her.

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