chapter 33 2/2

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- y/n person of view -

In the break, I sat with got7 at their table. It was definitely not voluntary! Jinyoung literally pulled me away from Sungjin so that I sat at their table. I felt so annoyed but I couldn't show it so I decided to ignore Jinyoung and talk with Bambam 'So Bammie what do you like to do? What are your hobbies?' I asked him looking at him who sat next to me. 'Just partying.' I sighed and shook my head. You can barely have any normal conversation with this guy. 'Why? Why always partying?' I asked him I can't understand it at all. 'Because I just want to enjoy life. Instead of all the studying and working. I want to be happy and that doesn't make me happy,' he said arguing back. 'Even if you don't like studying. You have too. There are enough things I don't like and I deal with them too.' I sighed again and looked at him seriously. 'I studied for the exam.' Bambam said. 'So you do study!' I have no idea where this conversation is going we're arguing like little kids... 'Okay, little kids. We need to go to class.' Mark said and rolled his eyes. I sighed out of relieving. Finally...

Jaebum was now walking me home. Yes, walking, Jaebum thought it was a good idea even though I live like 5 km away from school... We were nearly there though... I recognized the street. I hope so bad that Jaebum doesn't come across Sungjin... Or he knows where he lives... That would end so bad... 'y/n, I don't want you to be near Sungjin.' Jaebum said and I rolled my eyes. As if I didn't notice that. 'yeh, I noticed. But you can't force me to stay away from him Jaebum.' Jaebum then grabbed my wrist forcefully and I winced in pain. 'Yah, let me go.' I shouted and tried to pull my wrist away 'Listen to me y/n...' Jaebum said seriously. 'I don't want you near them and you will listen. End of discussion.' Jaebum turned around sweeping his long black coat. Walking away mad while I looked at him walking away. His black mullet and black combination of clothes did make him seem intimidating. I sighed and continued my walk home.

- Sungjin person of view - 

After school, I went on my way to Jae's house. He said it was urgent. I entered Jae's house and walked up the stairs. I heard people talking so I guess one of the others is here too. I entered Jae's room and got greeted by Wonpil and Jae. We sat down on Jae's bed 'Sungjin, remember that night you and y/n made it right?' Jae asked me. 'Yeah, why?' I replied frowning. Why would they bring that up now? 'Well after you and y/n left Jinyoung came to Jae's house and we were both there. Jinyoung started to threaten us.' Wonpil had a worried frown in his face. Jae sighed 'He told us that you need to stay away from y/n or else he will take revenge or something.' Jae took off his glasses and put is on his nightstand. 'So? It's Jinyoung.' I said. He's not as dangerous as Jaebum or Yugyeom, right? 'That's exactly the problem. It's Jinyoung. He's closest to Jaebum. If anything he's as crazy as Jaebum.' Wonpil argued. 'You're right.' I sighed in defeat and shook my head. 'Why?' I shook my head. 'I don't know but we gotta tell y/n.' Jae said seriously.

Whoop whoop Jaepil is sooo cute

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Whoop whoop Jaepil is sooo cute. I ship this friendship so much <3


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