chapter 18

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- Mark person of view -

 "What the hell were you thinking?" I shouted at Jaebum.

We were at the police station and all the boys were here. Jaebum went willingly with the police so that it wouldn't suspicious. But I was furious right now. If Jaebum gets blamed for all of this it's my fault since he lives in my house.

"I'm sorry Mark," Jaebum sighed. He knew all to well he went too far. Sungjin was injured too and his parents are furious and will press charges against us.

"You're sorry? Do you have any idea what will happen now Jaebum? Sungjin's parents are pressing charges against us!" I kept on shouting all my rage. I was so mad at him, never he did something so reckless like this. This is something Yugyeom would do faster than Jaebum...

"Tell me, was this completely your idea?" I asked Jaebum seriously. "Yes, it was. But Yugyeom helped me." Jaebum admitted. I turned to look at Yugyeom who didn't dare to make eye contact with me. "Kim Yugyeom. You're so dead when we're home." I said threatening. 

I never get mad at the boys, but this time they went way too far. I feel like I'm their mom scolding them. 

I heard the door open and it revealed two cops and Wonpil. He was the one who pulled Sungjin out of the water, without him Sungjin would've died. 

I completely understand Wonpil reacted the way he did. But now, even though Jaebum and Yugyeom acted so irresponsible... I have to keep them out of jail at any costs.

- Sungjin person of view - 

I woke up in a hospital bed. The boys except Wonpil next to me. What had happened to me that I'm here.

"Sungjin! You're awake!" Jae said suddenly when I noticed I opened my eyes. "We were worried sick," YoungK said. I could hear really well they were really worried.

"What happened to me?" I asked them. "You don't remember?" Dowoon asked. "No? remember what?" I frowned. "Jaebum tried to drown you," YoungK said.

A sudden headache went through my head. I remembered everything again. Someone pulled me out of the water. I almost drowned... Who pulled me out of the water?

"Who pulled me out of the water?" I asked suddenly. "You remember now?" Jae asked confused and frowned. "Wonpil pulled you out of the water," Dowoon said.

"I suddenly remembered, "I said to reply to Jae. "Really?" I asked when I turned my gaze to Dowoon who was about to reply, but the door got swung open revealing my worried-looking parents.

"Sungjin! Thank god you're safe!" They came and my mother hugged me tightly. I smiled at her. I saw that y/n stood next to YoungK and YoungK told her that I had just woken up. She walked over to me and grabbed my hand. "I'm happy you're safe." She said with a slight smile.

"Uh uh, do you both have to tell us something?" My mom asked. "They're a couple," Dowoon said. I mentally slapped myself. Why? Dowoon why? I glared at him. "Oh really? I am so happy for you both!" mom said surprising me. I didn't think she'd like it since we live together...

"Okay, let's get back to the current subject. Sungjin, we have pressed charges against Jaebum." My dad said. "We won't let those boys get away with what they did." He added and I nodded in reply. "We walked past the boys at the police office, but Jaebum's parents weren't there. Does any of you know anything about that?" my mom said. "Well, I only know that the boys don't live with their parents but all with Mark." y/n said. "Why is that so?" My dad asked. "I don't really know." y/n said and sighed. 


I have been discharged from the hospital pretty fast. Y/n had been taking care of me the whole evening even though there's nothing wrong with me.

"Stop worrying like that y/n," I told her as she sat next to me caressing my hand. "This is my fault Sungjin," She said avoiding my gaze and focusing on my hand instead. "No y/n. This is Jaebum's fault. He tried to kill me not you." I said arguing her. She shouldn't think that negative... "Jaebum wanted to kill you because he likes me." She said still arguing. "So is it your fault he likes you?" I said and y/n didn't know how to reply. She opened her mouth to say something but then closed again. 

I grabbed both her hands in my hands. "Look at me," I said but she still didn't look, "I said look at me," Repeating what I told her. She carefully looked at me and I saw her eyes were a bit red. She almost started crying...

"Please don't worry so much about me. I take care of you and not vice versa!" She nodded. She knows that going in discussion with me is useless.

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back," she said and I nodded.

- y/n person of view -

I entered the bathroom. I needed a hot shower to wash away my bad thoughts. 

Sungjin nearly died because of me... Thank god Wonpil was near... How did Sungjin even get in the water with Jaebum? There is so much to think about...

I undressed and I looked into the mirror. God, I am so ugly. My eyes are blue from sleep deprivation, My arms are scarred, I feel so ugly. Why does Sungjin even like me? He could get so much better than me. I sighed and stepped inside the hot shower.

Sadly I can't drown myself in the shower... 


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- San

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