chapter 44

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- JB person of view -

After the class left when finishing the last exams I went inside with my uncle's key. Him being the principal is really useful... Jinyoung and Jackson were with me in the classroom meanwhile the other boy nonchalantly waited outside of the door. 

'OKay so we change their answer sheets with the ones we printed out, so it looks like they just copied the answer sheet?' Jinyoung asked Jackson and he hummed as a yes. 'They really screwed up. But why is the teacher stupid enough to let the exams on his desk? okay, we had the key but really someone could break in with a paperclip.' Jackson started to unnecessary complain about the school making Jinyoung sigh in boredom and annoyance. 'yah, have respect.' Jackson hit the back of Jinyoung's head. 'Both of you shut your mouth. I hear a teacher. Shouldn't the boys warn?' Jaebum said. But a short moment later the footsteps I heard faded away. I sighed out of relieving. 'Let's get out of here.' Jinyoung said and he hurried out of the classroom, Jackson and I, of course, following him.


- Sungjin person of view - 

Me, Jae, Youngk, Wonpil and Dowoon stood in the principal's office when we received a call from him a few days after the last exam. 

'Park Jaehyung, Park Sungjin, Kang Younghyun, Kim Wonpil and Yoon Dowoon.' Can you explain this to me?' He moved five answer sheets towards us and our eyes widened in disbelieve. These answer sheets are exactly the same and they are all the good answers since there was a perfect score on each answer sheet. This can't be true. It's definitely not mine. 'uhhh' Jae said as he scratched the back of his neck. I looked at Dowoon, Wonpil and Youngk and saw that Youngk really was freaking out by the look in his eyes. 'Perhaps you could mister Kang.' The principal shot a glare towards Youngk. 'This is not mine... This can't be mine. Someone must've messed with our answer sheets...' he held his hands frustrated through his hair and gave the principal a stressed look. 'Who would do that? according to you?' Youngk sighed. He couldn't say the got7 boys, he knew as well Jaebum is family to the principal and he surely won't believe it so, he shook his head and looked down to the ground. 'Mister Kim and Yoon, do you know anything about this?' the principal raised an eyebrow and Dowoon and Wonpil shook their heads exactly at the same time. You all five show nervous behaviour. I know enough. All five of you will be expelled from this school and won't graduate. IF you find the person who could've done this, I will let you all graduate. But I don't believe that.' He waved at us in a mocking way and we left the classroom.

When we left and were near the exit of the school Youngk fell and broke down. I crouched down next to him. 'Youngk, it will be okay. We will find the one who did this.' I sighed. 'Yeah, we will try... ' Jae said. I understand why Youngk is so worried and sad... He worked all his life to do something with music and if any label figures out what happened no one will want to accept him... None of us either...

At Youngk's place, I decided to call y/n since she wants to know what happened. 'and what happened?' I heard y/n say worried over the phone. 'We got expelled...' it was quiet over the phone for a second. 'Why what happened?' y/n asked and I explained everything that has been said. 'Sungjin, don; t worry... I will prove all of you innocent. I already know who did this...' y/n then hung up... 

Okay, I have to trust y/n on this. Let's hope she will find evidence...

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