chapter 45

336 12 1

Last memory

 - 3rd person - 

seven boys walked into the already student filled classroom. Not at the same time though. Jaebum and Jinyoung were the first to arrive. Honestly, Jaebum and Jinyoung really are lucky that they both ended in the same class and have all classes together. 

The other boys entered after a while and one of them approached Jinyoung and Jaebum first. 'I am Bambam.' he said with full confidence and JInyoung scoffed. 'Who the fuck calls himself Bambam?' Jaebum had to laugh too. 'I do, you better not say crap about that I ain't-a person to mess with. Anyways, I wanted to ask if you would want to sit at our table at the break. You two seem like you would fit with us well.' Bambam said with his hands on his hips.  'Bro, don't do that. It's hella gay.' Jaebum mocked Bambam. 'BrO, wHo EvEn SaYs ThAt? Second, being gay is okay. Not that I am though. Anyways what's the answer?' he started to regret his question a bit. 'yes, sounds good.' Jinyoung said and Bambam immediately left towards four other boys.

At the break, the boys started to get to know each other better and better. 'Guys, this may sound insane, but my parents wanted me to have my own place since they think I need to learn to be independent. What if we would just all live together? I mean my parents would pay that...' Mark said and everyone's faces brightened. 'We do know each other for just a day though...' Jackson said. 'Okay, so?' Jinyoung said and Jackson sighed. 'OKay, you won't understand it. Well, whatever let's try it them.' Jackson said. 


author note:

Guy, if you are gay really it's okay I don't mean to offend anyone. But really the being gay jokes are something students do these days so it was more for realism. I  really don't mean to hurt someone.

- San

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