chapter 11

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- Jinyoung pov -

Right now I am walking to school with Jaebum. We walked past the parking lot and I saw that Jaebum's facial expression changed from his usual cold expression to a mad/annoyed expression. "What's wrong Jaebum?" I asked him. Jaebum didn't reply. He was staring at something at the parking lot. I tried to look at the same thing he did and I saw y/n had stepped out of the car with Sungjin. 

Now I understand why he looks so annoyed. I understand why though... I wouldn't like that either. I need to do something about y/n and Sungjin being close with each other... I can't have Jaebum feeling hurt... I promised myself he wouldn't feel hurt...

I left Jaebum and walked inside. I saw the other boys already standing next to Jaebum's locker waiting for us. 

"Hey Jinyoung, where's Jaebum?" Yugyeom asked me. "He's still outside. I guess calming down." I told Yugyeom. "Why is he calming down?" Jackson asked. "He saw y/n with Sungjin stepping out of a car," I told them. 

The boys understood immediately why Jaebum's mad. "Anyways... We need to do something about this. You know I hate Jaebum feeling hurt because of this. He knows y/n longer than that Sungjin guy..." I said. I spoke out 'Sungjin'spotting. "I have an idea," Youngjae said. "Tell me," I replied. "Well... From the scene outside, I guess you can say that Sungjin and y/n are a thing. So what if one of them cheats on the other?" He said with a sneaky smile.


- y/n pov -

Sungjin and I arrived at school and we stepped out of his car. When I closed the door I saw Jaebum and Jinyoung. Jaebum looked extremely annoyed. Sungjin and I grabbed our bags and we walked inside towards the entrance. I kept my eyes on the boys because last time it went almost wrong too. Jinyoung suddenly left Jaebum and went inside. Damn it... I don't like this... I was always cautious of Jaebum but lately, I've been worrying even more.

We walked past Jaebum and if you could kill with looking at someone I'm sure Sungjin would've been dead. I saw that Sungjin looked at Jaebum furious too. I grabbed Sungjin's shirt at his waist to tell him I felt a bit scared. Sungjin then grabbed my hand and we walked inside. 

We knew Jaebum was going to blow up.

We went toward towards my locker and I saw that the other boys were already waiting for us there. The boys greeted us and I got asked tons of questions about how I am. "y/n! Are you really okay?" Jae asked me. I knew I would get all those questions. I mean, of course, they're worried about me. I understand. I really still think that I should've died. Everyone wouldn't have to worry about me. They would just cry and get over it. 


We sat down in the classroom at my normal seat in the classroom. I felt that someone stared at me and I'm sure it wasn't Jaebum. He had his gaze straight forward... But who would it be?

The teacher walked into class and started the class. 

"Goodmorning class, today will be a little different than the other days. Because today you'll be doing a project in pairs and I made the pairs. They're not the person you sit next to." The teacher said that and I started to stress immediately. What if I have to work with one of the got7 boys? Or what if I have to work with Jaebum? Let's hope that I can work with Jae or the others. 

Then the teacher started announcing the pairs.

"Jackson and Dowoon, Mark and Young-hyun, Jaebum and Sungjin, Jinyoung and Wonpil, y/n and Youngjae, Jae Yugyeom and Kunpimook.  Jae, Yugyeom and Kunpimook are with three since we have 25 students..." And so on he announced the other pairs.

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