chapter 35

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- y/n person of view -

'As you all know. The exams start next month. I hope you all will do well and I am counting on it. After all, you all had good grades this year!' The teacher to continued to talk about the exams and how it works, but I couldn't focus anymore after I heard Sungjin, who sat next to me, mumble a "Shit" He probably didn't study yet. Neither did I. 'y/n' Sungjin whispered to me 'Hm' I replied when I looked at him. 'Shall we stay at school after class to study in the library. 'Sure' I smiled and returned to look at the teacher who was already glaring our way.

We left the classroom together and the other boys decided to go to the library too. 'How did we ever forget the exams?' Jae said sighing 'We were distracted.' Dowoon said and Jae gave him an "are you serious?" look. 'That's obvious.' Youngk replied sarcastically 'Sorry' Dowoon replied quietly 'Ahhw, don't worry pepperoni, they're just a little stressed.' I messed up Dowoon's hair and Wonpil raised an eyebrow 'Really? pepperoni?' he chuckled 'yeah! Dowonie pepperoni is too long so it's just pepperoni.' I replied proudly. 'Sungjin, your girlfriend is weird.' Dowoon suddenly said making me pout. 'Yah! Next time I'll let Jae and Youngk bully you.' I glared at Dowoon. 

We entered the library and we took the only free table left. We were definitely not the only ones studying for their exams. We sat down at a table and Sungjin asked me: 'y/n, you're good at English, right?' I nodded in reply 'Can you help me?' he smiled at me 'Yeah of course! What is the problem?' I asked him as I sat closer to him and looked at his textbook.

After a few minutes of helping him with his reading, I heard the door of the library open and it revealed Jaebum and Jinyoung. I saw Jinyoung glaring at Jae, I wonder why. Jaebum looked annoyed but still smiled at me. They walked our way and now Sungjin had noticed them too. 'Hey, guys. What are you doing?' Jinyoung asked. 'I'm helping Sungjin with English.' I replied and Jaebum scoffed. 'What's it Jaebum?' Sungjin asked slightly annoyed. 'Nothing' He smiled. 'Wonpil, do you have time after studying? I want to hang out with you.' Jinyoung asked Wonpil as he sat down next to him. 'Hm. I think so.' he slightly smiled. 'Okay good.' Jaebum sat down across me next to Jinyoung and Youngk. This is going to be a long study session...

- Wonpil person of view -

I left the library with Jinyoung. I got so distracted by Jinyoung and Jaebum who were constantly distracting not only y/n but us too. Jinyoung and I decided to go home by bus. Mark had already gone home and Sungjin was studying so we didn't really have a choice either. 

We stepped inside the bus and Jinyoung started a conversation. 'So, we have a dance studio at home and I thought it would be fun to dance.' I turned from looking at the window to look at Jinyoung 'Yeah, sounds good. But I don't dance a lot. I mostly play the piano.' I smiled 'Oh, just like Youngjae! Maybe you could play together sometime too!' Jinyoung said enthusiastically. What is Jinyoung getting at? One day he's picking a fight and the other day he acts as nothing happened.  'Ah sounds fun! Maybe I could learn something from Youngjae.' Jinyoung gave me a slight smile. We continued to talk about music until the bus arrived. 

We entered their apartment and Jinyoung led me straight to the dance room. On the way in the hall was an open door. I peeked inside and it looked a little bit weird. It was a small room and it was dark so I couldn't see a lot. It had dark red walls and a black tile floor. 'Oh, that's Jaebum's room. he's there when he wants to be alone.' Jinyoung commented when he saw me looking into the room. That's odd... but I couldn't show Jinyoung I was suspicious. 'Okay,' I said and I quickly caught up on Jinyoung who was walking in front of me. We entered the dance room and Jinyoung walked to the bench they had next to the music sound system. I sat down next to Jinyoung and we both changed shoes. Jinyoung had given me a pair of his dance shoes.

He turned on a Shinee song. It was Ringdingdong. I love ringdingdong a lot, it was definitely one of my favourite songs by Shinee. I really look up to Minho, he's so cool. I like the other boys too. We danced and had fun. It wasn't that bad, but still, it seems a bit fishy...

We were both exhausted after we went crazy on bigbang's Haruharu which is an amazing song. Jinyoung grabbed two bottles of water from out of the small fridge. He gave it to me and we sat on the small couch again. 'Wonpil' Jinyoung said with a serious voice. 'yeah?' I asked him. I am a little bit surprised by his sudden mood change. 'You remember what I told you about Sungjin and y/n, being near together?' his gaze towards me was like he could kill me.  'Yeah, I remember.' I sighed. 'Then why don't you and Jae listen? Jaebum didn't like what happened to me and yesterday he came home annoyed.' yesterday? what happened yesterday? 'We're thinking about how.' I said trying to sound as convincing as possible but I knew Jinyoung saw right through it. 'Sure, you know I warned you!' I stared at me. 

I know you warned me Jinyoung, I know...

I know you warned me Jinyoung, I know

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Whoop the second update today!!



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