chapter 34

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- Jaebum person of view -

The streets were quiet, once in a while, a car would pass but that was it. It was quiet enough for me to think properly about what just happened.

Y/n is so annoying. I don't want her near Park Sungjin. He's an asshole, he really is... She's so stupid she doesn't see it. He hurt her too, I hurt her too but I had a good reason. But after everything, I still love y/n. I have to think of something to get rid of all five of those boys. I have to play this smart. I already know I'm gonna ask Yugyeom for help he's really good with these type of things. Last time it went wrong, but it was poorly planned. This time I will do it right with Yugyeom's help. I think I will have to hit them with the thing that they care about a lot. Also, who would be their weakest link? Who is the most naive of them all? I already maybe have an idea...

Anger boiled inside me. Sungjin just makes me so angry, everything about him. He acts like an angel and treats y/n so well. But I am sure he's not an angel no one is. He does things wrong too. My head is a mess, I feel anger, sadness, a lot of emotions at the same time and I don't know how to handle it... 

Focus on one thing Jaebum. You have to breathe. I told myself.

Let's end these boys once and for all. I will ruin their lives... They even tried to get me into jail? What are they thinking? I scoffed and chuckled. They're so dumb. They haven't even seen the worst of me, of us, yet... I chuckled and continued my walk home.

 I chuckled and continued my walk home

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- Sungjin person of view -

I entered home and my parents were, as usual, watching tv. I greeted them and then walked upstairs. Maybe I should check on y/n... I walked to her door and knocked 'Come in!' she shouted I entered and saw her reading a book. She's even cute when she's reading... What is she doing to my heart? 'Hey, Sungjin.' She smiled sweetly. Oh god, I wish I can look at that smile every day for the rest of my life. 'Hey, y/n.' I smiled back 'Come sit.' She patted on the place next to her. I sat down 'What brings you here.?' She asked me putting away her book. 'I just wanted to be with you. That's all.' I blushed when I said that. I saw that y/n had to blush too.  Y/n put her book away 'Do you want to cuddle with me?' She asked her face is completely red. 'Sure,' We laid down and she turned on the tv. 'Wait, we watched this drama before.' I said when I noticed the mermaid and Lee Minho. y/n chuckled 'Yes, I know.' she said 'Then why to rewatch it?' I asked her when I put my arm around her to be more comfortable. 'Because I like it so much. By the way, you smell nice.' I chuckled 'You are so random.' I saw her smile.

We were watching the drama for a while now. We talked about a few things and got to know each other a little better. 'y/n?' I called her name and she looked at me. 'After everything that happened. You still like me. I am so happy you're still here with me, I honestly feel so much regret. That thing I told you I know that it was stupid but I just said it out of anger. I didn't mean it at all, please remember that.'  her expression softened 'Sungjin, even if I wouldn't want to forgive you I would. You helped me, protected me so many times. Without you, life was already over for me. I can't hate you if I wanted I can't hate you. My heart only wants you.' I smiled at her. She's seriously the sweetest and most caring person on this earth.

But no matter what I still feel so much regret. I want to be able to forgive myself the way y/n forgives me. But I am scared that won't be possible. So instead I'll spend as much time with her as I can. To give her all the love she deserves.

This chapter took longer to write than I wanted

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This chapter took longer to write than I wanted. But I needed this chapter to be how I want because this plays an important part in the plot :)


- San

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