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Jungkook Pov

I wake up and get out of my bed. I was so exhausted from going to bed late and today was the first day of school after summer. It's the second year now which means more things to do and also more important things to do. I sighed and put on my school uniform. My mom greeted me with a smile as I walked into the kitchen.

"Are you ready for the first day?" she asked as she put breakfast in front of me.

"Eh... not really." I answered and started eating.

"Just remember that if you need any help then you can ask me!" she said.

"Thank you mom" I answered and smiled.

After eating I said goodbye to my mom and left the apartment. On my way to school a lot of people stared at me and some tried to ask for my number. I told them no and kept walking. It's annoying to have all of these people around me when I am just a normal human. I finally got to school and walked up to my friend group. Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin. Some of them don't have great reputations but are popular for being "bad boys". I never felt like I was that way. The only people who wasn't really like that was Jin, Hoseok and of course me.

I looked around a bit, wondering if my girlfriend was here. Her name is Irene and she's also popular at the school. She is beautiful so a lot of people like her. We became a couple before the summer but honestly I don't even know if I like her that much. Yeah, she is attractive but that doesn't really change anything. Instead of seeing her, I saw a boy. He had blonde hair, wore glasses and looked really shy. He had dropped his books and three girls were laughing at him.

"Look where you are going, nerd." one of the girls said before leaving him there.

He started picking up his books from the ground. I walked over to him and crouched down. I started picking up the books too and he looked up with a shocked expression on his face.

"Here" I said and held out his books to him. 

"T-thank you" he said and grabbed the books.

We stood up and he kept looking down. His bangs were covering his eyes and he held his books closely. I decided to try and talk to him.

"Hey, I'm Jeon Jungkook." I said and reached out my hand.

He looked at my hand and hesitated before shaking it lightly.

"I'm K-Kim Taehyung..." he said and removed his hand fast.

"Are you a new student?" I asked.

"Y-yes" he said.

"Which class?" I asked.

"2-1" he said and held out his schedule for me to look at.

"Oh, you are in the class next to mine. I can show you the way." I said.

He tried to reject the offer but I grabbed his wrist and started walking towards my friends. We stopped in front of them and they all looked over at him.

"Who is that?" Namjoon asked.

"His name is Taehyung, he is a new student." I answered.

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