School camp pt. 1

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Jungkook Pov

"It's Hoseok?" I asked, feeling a bit shocked even though I suspected it.

"Yeah for a while now..." Yoongi answered.

"Is he over... her?" I asked calmly trying not to make him mad.

"I don't think so and that's what scares me." he said taking a deep breath.

"Are you still mad over what happend?" I asked.

"A bit. Just they way she treated his heart." he said and clenched his fists.

"She's the reason why he can't move on." I mentioned.

"Yeah, that's why I wanted to ask you but I guess that it was dumb anyways..." he said.

"I think you should talk to him." I said.

"I don't think that I have the courage to do so." he said.

"Hey, you are the coolest person I know and I know that you can do it! I'll be here supporting you." I said and smiled.

"See this is why I don't take advice from the youngest. You are just so enthusiastic." he said and sighed.

"That's why you like me" I said and kept smiling.

"I guess so. Anyways thank you for talking to me." he said.

"Anytime." I said.

"See you on monday then." he said.

"Yup, bright and early." I said and laughed.

I walked home and sat down on my bed again. I really hope that this goes well for him. I just hope that Hoseok has moved on from her...


"Ah it's way to early for this..." I complained and yawned.

"I think it'll be fun." Taehyung said enthusiastically.

"Anywhere with you will be fun" I said.

"I feel the same." he said and smiled.

We met up with the others outside of the school. I was suprised to see that Yoongi actually came but I'm guessing that he'll go for it. Me and Taehyung talked with them for a while before we all got on the buses. There were three different buses and me and Taehyung ended up on different buses. I was sad and worried for him but he ensured me that he would be fine. I hope so...

I sat and stared out the window seeing the buildings being replaced with trees. We stopped an hour later at a camping site. Everyone went off the bus and got a tent. Every tent could hold three people and my group was with Taehyung and Yoongi. We started setting up the tent next to the others. The second tent was shared by Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon. Jimin ended up in the third tent with our other friends Kyungsoo and Sehun. When the tent was up we finally got to rest. We all sat down and talked. I noticed Yoongi glancing over at Hoseok often.

The other guys said that they had sneaked some alchohol with them which shocked some of us.

"What if we get caught?" Jin asked worriedly.

"Don't worry that won't happen." Namjoon reassured.

I sighed, they are still the same I guess. They did the same thing during the last school camp too. Taehyung wasn't interested at all so he said that he would just read a book in the tent later. The school activites started and everyone were running around. It was a whole mess and honestly a bit boring. The teachers finally let us go during lunch and we got to eat the food that we had brought. Me and Taehyung had cooked some food together which meant that we had a lot. We shared some with everyone else because we couldn't finish it all by ourselves. Once we had eaten there were more school activites.

We were playing a game where you were supposed to hide in the woods and everyone were supposed to find everyone. I stood behind a bush waiting for someone to find me when I heard a sound from behind a tree. I sneaked up to the tree and grabbed the person's arm knowing exactly who it was.

"Jung-" I cut off Taehyung's voice by putting my hand over his mouth.

"Don't say anything. Someone might hear us." I whispered.

He nodded and we stayed quiet, looking into each other's eyes. We heard a sudden sound causing Taehyung to scream. I kissed him so that he would stop and he instantly stopped when my lips hit his, closing his eyes. I let go and looked around.

"The person is go-" I was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Found you two!" Namjoon exclaimed.

"Well shit." I complained and grabbed Taehyung's hand.

"I guess we also should look for people now." I mentioned.

"Yeah." he agreed and walked away with me.

When everyone had been found we sat down for yet another meeting. The teachers told us that we could do whatever we wanted until dinner time. Taehyung said that he was going to take a shower in the building and left. I stayed behind and talked about tonight with the others.

Taehyung had been away for a long time when the sun had gone down and it was time for dinner. I decided to go into the building and look for him. Once I got in I realised that it was really cold and dark in there. I turned on the flashlight on my phone and walked into the shower room.

"Tae?" I asked.

"J-Jungkook?" he answered after a few seconds.

I followed the direction of his voice and found him on the floor, sitting in the ground, hugging himself.

"Why're you here like this?!" I asked worriedly, running up to him.

"S-someone took my towel and clothes." he answered shaking.

"You're freezing!" I exclaimed worriedly and hugged him.

I gave him my jacket and ran out to get his clothes. I looked through his bag and found some. I got back and gave them to him. Once he had gotten dressed we walked out.

"When I get to know who's behind this I will kill them." I said angrily.

"Please don't... I'm fine now. Look!" he said and smiled.

His smile warms my heart. Whatever he tells me to do and not do, I'll always obey. He controls my heart and there's nothing that I can or want to do about it. We got some dinner and sat down with the others at the fire. Our group had our own with the three tents so there were just us. I hugged Taehyung for the whole dinner, not wanting him to be even just a little bit cold. Everyone had finished eating and everyone else had gone into the tents.

"Time to party!" Hoseok whisper-yelled.

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