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Jungkook POV

"We should go down and join the others" Taehyung said as smiled at me.

"Yeah, it's still rather early." I said and smiled back.

We stood up from the bed and got ready to go downstairs. When we walked down everyone were doing they're own things. Jin was cooking a late lunch, Namjoon was checking his phone, Jimin and Hoseok were playing some video game. Yoongi was leaning on Hoseok's shoulder and sleeping peacefully.

"Where did you two disappear for so long for?" Namjoon asked as he looked up from his phone.

"Umm... we were unpacking." I lied.

"Oh okay" Namjoon said and looked back down at his phone.

"By the way, I looked outside and saw that there's a pool." Jin said as he looked over his shoulder at us.

"Oh we should go into the pool later" Taehyung said excitedly.

"I agree" I said and smiled.

"Food!" Jin yelled and Yoongi woke up.

"Let's eat!" Hoseok said excitedly.

Everyone sat down at the table and started eating. We complimented Jin on his cooking and he smiled.  When we had finished eating everyone wanted to go out to the pool but Jin reminded us that swimming after eating was a stupid idea so we decided to wait. While we waited Hosoek helped Yoongi put on sunscreen, Namjoon was helping Jin wash the dishes, Jimin was looking for his swimwear while me and Jungkook sat listening to music on the couch. 

After a half an hour we decided that we could swim so we ran out and almost everyone jumped in as soon as they reached the pool. Yoongi and Jin decided not to and laid down on the sunbeds to "tan" as they called it. But they knew damn well that they couldn't really get tan. Jimin had been sitting in his swimwear for the whole half an hour and was so excited as he splashed around in the water with Hoseok. Me and Taehyung were competing in a hold your breath competition. I ended up winning when Taehyung went to take a breath after only ten seconds. 

Everyone was having a lot of fun and we decided that we would carry Jin and Yoongi down into the pool. We walked up to Jin who looked terrified and and helped to carry him into the pool as he tried to break loose. We put him down in the water and soon his angry expression dissapeard. 

"That was actually refreshing" Jin said and threw himself into the water again. 

 Then we looked up at the next victim, Yoongi. As we were walking up to him he stood up and ran into the pool before we could lift him up. 

"I'm in the pool so are you guys happy now? My sunscreen is coming off..." Yoongi complained.

"Stay in the water then" Namjoon said and laughed.

We kept splashing around and playing for another hour or so until we started to get tired. Everyone went out of the pool to either take a shower or just to change clothes. When everyone had freshen up we decided to start a bonfire. Everyone had a stick with a hot dog on it and held it over the fire as we sat and ate. We drank beer as we ate and laughed. It's only the first day but I'm already enjoying this trip so much. Taehyung had his head on my shoulder as we sang songs together. Me, Taehyung, Jimin and Jin are the only people who usually sings so Hoseok, Namjoon and Yoongi struggled. Hoseok was going all in though. 

After another hour had passed everyone was exhausted so everyone started making their way back into the house. Me and Taehyung walked up to our room and laid down on the bed. I grabbed my phone and started checking instagram while Taehyung did the same. After a couple of minutes he stood up. 

"Where are you going?" I asked as I looked up from my phone. 

"I'm going to get some fresh air" he answered. 

"Okay, I'll join you soon." I said as he walked out on the balcony. 

Taehyung POV

I walked out on the balcony that was connected to mine and Jungkook's room and Yoongi and Hoseok's room. Yoongi and Hoseok were sitting together on a bench kissing. 

"Oh, Taehyung, what's up?" Hoseok asked as they pulled away. 

"Nothing, I just wanted to get some air to think. Sorry if I interrupted you two." I said and winked at them. 

"N-no you didn't but we're going to make our way back inside now" Hoseok said flustered as he grabbed Yoongi's hand and walking inside their room. 

"Goodnight" I said before they closed their door. 

I sat down on the now empty bench a took a deep breath of the now rather cold air. It felt nice as it filled up my lungs making me feel refreshed. The stars were shining brightly and the moon lit up the sea making the water look more white than blue. I start to think about everything that's going on in my life. My thoughts went to the wedding and how fun we were going to have. I really love Jungkook and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with him. But my happiness soon disappeared as I started to think of my dad's condition. How the doctor had told me that my dad has a year left to live and how he is pain. 

My heart hurts at the thought of my dad feeling bad. I didn't even realize that I had started to cry until I felt a pair of arms around me. I looked over to my side and saw Jungkook. He was holding me close with a worried expression on his face. I quickly hugged him back, holding him closer to me and he patted my head. We sat in silence as I sobbed into his shirt. He knows why I'm crying and just held me silently to comfort me which worked. Jungkook is probably the only person who could calm me down in a situation like this. Without him I would not be able to be this strong. And so we sat there in the moonlight hugging until the cold air made us numb. 

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