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This chapter has a little bit of non-innocent things but nothing too serious since I'm innocent myself. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter anyways!

Jungkook Pov

There is two weeks left until we graduate and we have invited everyone to Taehyung's house to hang out. We were both very excited and were buying snacks and drinks before they would show up. His house is always clean so we didn't have to clean anything up. Taehyung's dad was also helping since he was so happy that he was going to have friends over. Then in the evening everyone showed up. Taehyung introduced them all to his dad who happily shook their hands.

"Have fun you all! Don't party too hard." he said and laughed before leaving to go on yet another business trip.

"Of course, dad." Taehyung said and smiled as he waved to his dad.

We all sat down in the living room and they brought out the snacks and drinks that they had brought. Of course there was a lot of snacks and the obligatory alcohol which they had asked if they could bring. Taehyung was okay with it so they were excited. I had brought a speaker and I started playing some music. They had poured a glass of the drink to everyone. We sat down and everyone grabbed a glass.

"To us graduating soon and getting out of school!" Namjoon said loudly before we toasted and chugged our drinks.

I looked at Taehyung who had also chugged the drink.

"Are you sure that you are going to be okay?" I asked him.

"Of course. Also drinking with you guys makes me feel closer to you all." he said and smiled.

"You sure?" I asked him to make sure.

"Yeah, also all the doors are locked so I'm going nowhere." he said and we all laughed.

So we kept having fun and dancing to the music and laughing when thinking about things that has happened since Taehyung came to our school. I can't really believe that we are leaving the school soon and graduate. I will be working and that sounds so crazy since I feel like I'm still fifteen like I was in the first year of high school. I might even miss it a bit but I wanna do something that I enjoy. I brushed off the thoughts of the future and focused on the present. We are all still dancing, except for Jin and Hoseok who has moved to the table to eat snacks, and also Yoongi who's sitting on the couch and drinking his drink, just enjoying the moment.

Both Taehyung and I have had too much to drink at this point and someone had the idea to play to truth or dare. We all agreed and sat down.

"Jungkook you first!" Namjoon said.

"Okay... um Yoongi, truth or dare?" I asked.

"Truth" he answered.

"When did you fall in love with Hoseok?" I asked.

"Ooh" everyone said as Yoongi looked at me.

"Five years ago" he simply said.

"That's a long time" Jimin said shocked.

"You've loved me for five years?" Hoseok asked.

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