Week one

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A/N: I'm not very good at timezones so I apologise in advance if some things make less sense! Thank you for reading c:

Taehyung Pov

My dad had rented a house in London and we were packing up our things. I had tried to think of the positives, like the fact that I was going to learn everything about my dad's company. But still, I missed Jungkook so much and it's was making it hard to focus. It was currently night in Seoul so he was definitely sleeping. Here in London the sun was shining, which I didn't expect seeing as everyone had told me that rain was most common. After a couple of hours my room finally looked presentable, I had put away all of my books and other things on the desk and made my bed.

Seeing as we had spent so much time unpacking, my dad had ordered us food. We ate some pizza together and he talked about what we were going to do tomorrow. First we were going to go to his company building that he had here in London and there he was going to introduce me to the basics. Once I had finished eating I walked back up to my room to study. Studying always helped me think of other things. I managed to relax for a while and tried to not feel so down about missing Jungkook so much. As I looked out the window I noticed that it was night time already and grabbed my phone to dial Jungkook's number. As I had expected, he answered right away.

"Tae! How are you?" he asked, excitedly.

"I'm fine but I miss you so much... Did you just wake up?" I asked.

"Yeah, just an hour ago" he answered.

"You're up early. Something on your mind?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, you..." he answered truthfully.

"I'm thinking about you too but you need to sleep. Also, don't forget to hang out with your friends. They'll cheer you up!" I said and smiled to myself.

"I will! But what about you? Aren't you lonely..." he asked as his voice changed to a sad tone.

"I'll be fine. I have my dad and I will be focusing on working... Summer might even be over quickly if we have fun. I really want to meet you already... I miss your hugs... and kisses" I answered.

"I miss your hugs and kisses too... We'll meet again and I will hug you! Don't worry! Also you can call me anytime you feel lonely because I will most likely be lonely as well..." he reassured.

"Thank you, of course I will. Or else I'll miss your voice..." I answered and smiled to myself.

"Let's facetime tomorrow then" he said happily.

"Okay!" I answered.

We chose a time and hung up, even though we didn't want to. We decided to speak sometime around 11pm for me tomorrow but I didn't mind, I'd mostly be awake anyway. I really wanted to see him having having fun with his friends. Seeing as it was getting late, I put down my phone and fell asleep after some time.

Jungkook Pov

I miss him so much... I just wanna hug him. Tomorrow I'm going to the beach with the others. I was excited but sad sseeing as Taehyung couldn't come, obviously. Stil, we were going to have him on facetime for most of the time so he that he could be a part of everything. After buying some things for tomorrow, I made my way home. I spent the rest of the day waiting for Taehyung to wake up and when he did I called him right away. Once he needed to hang up I decided to go to bed. With all of the thoughts in my head, it took some time to fall asleep.

The next day at the beach

Namjoon had driven us all, his car being completely filled to the brim. We had snacks, towels, sunscreen and other things that you'd want at the beach. Jin walked away to put down the snacks on one of the towels as Namjoon tried to set up a shade to no avail. Hoseok noticed him struggling and went over to help him. Yoongi had already laid down on one of the towels, listening to music in his headphones. As for me, I was running around in the water with Jimin. We were the two who enjoyed summer the most and I was extra excited because I hadn't been to the beach for a year. After some time had past, I walked over to my towel and got out my phone. Being hit with the colder winds, I wrapped the towel around me and called Taehyung on facetime.

"Jungkook!" he exclaimed happily as he smiled.

I had missed his smile so much.

"Tae! How was the first day?" I asked and smiled back.

"It was exciting but there's a lot I need to learn" he answered and sighed.

"If you ever need support then you can call" I reassured.

"Thank you" he answered and smiled again.

Everyone else noticed my phone and ran up to me.

"Taehyung! How's London?" Jimin asked curiously.

"Does it really rain a lot?" Hoseok asked, just as curiously as Jimin.

"Does the food taste good?" Jin asked, joining in.

"Are there good looking people there?" Namjoon asked, only to get smacked on the head by Jin.

"Hey, one question at a time" I told them.

"It's fine" Taehyung said and laughed.

"Taehyung we miss you!" everyone exclaimed at the same time.

"I miss you guys too" he said and smiled brightly.

"Can we call you too sometimes?" Jin asked and Taehyung nodded.

"Of course, my phone is off sometimes though" Taehyung answered.

It was evident on his face that he was glad that so many people wanted to talk to him and missed him.

"We get it, you're busy. Good luck with everything!" Namjoon said, giving a reassuring smile.

"Thank you!" Taehyung answered.

"Do you need to go to sleep now?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah, probably" he answered, yawning.

"I'll let you sleep then. Goodnight, I love you!" I said and smiled.

"Love you too, goodnight!" he said and we hung up.

"You two are so cute" Hoseok said and smiled.

"He's the cute one" I answered and smiled fondly.

"Let's play now! That's what we are here for right?" Jin said.

"We're not kids though" Jimin mentioned.

"Are you sure?" Jin asked and Jimin sighed.

"No" he answered.

Everyone ran into the water and just messed around for a few hours until we got tired. As we got out of the water we noticed Yoongi asleep on his towel in direct sunlight.

"He'll get sunburn!" Hoseok mentioned worriedly as he ran over to wake Yoongi up from his nap.

When we had finished eating all of our snacks we drove back to the city and I had to say goodbye to them. I made my way into the apartment, greeting my mom and walking up to my room. Feeling tired after swimming, I passed out on my bed.

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