Trip pt. 2

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Taehyung Pov

"Jungkook?" I asked.

"Yeah?" he answered as he turned to me.

"I've planned something so let's go back to the hotel." I said.

"Okay." he smiled as we stood up.

We started walking away from the beach, intertwining our fingers.

"So what have you planned?" he asked curiously.

"It's a suprise but you'll like it, trust me." I answered with a smile. 

"I trust you." he said.

When we got back to the hotel we changed our clothes to something a bit more fancy. After that we went back out and started walking again. After ten minutes we reached the destination. I had booked a table at one of the most famous resturants in the country for us. Jungkook was shocked at first but got excited afterwards. We walked in and were led to our table by a waitress. 

"How did you manage to get a table here?" he asked shocked.

"My dad knows the man who owns the resturant." I answered.

"That's so cool!" he answered in awe.

"Let's order!" I said excitedly as I handed him the menu. 

We ordered our food and waited for them to finish making our food. Once we got it, it was delicious. I had been looking forward to this since I got the reservation. I looked at Jungkook and noticed how he was smiling to himself whilst enjoying the food. Jungkook and my dad are the only people who I don't feel that nervous around. The reason is that I know that I can trust them. 

We spent another hour finishing our food and talked about a lot of things. Just having a great time overall. By the time we left it was already dark outside and we were tired. We changed to something more comfortable and I laid down with a book. 

Jungkook Pov

I was so shocked that Taehyung would bring me to such a fancy resturant. I can't even begin to imagine how expensive it must have been. I'm going to pay him back somehow. Words can't even describe how in love I am with him. He is amazing in every way. I smiled to myself as I planned how I could pay him back in the future. I laid down next to him and went onto instagram to look at my feed. I follow mostly photographers and friends. Seeing other people's photos makes me feel motivated and inspired. 

When I finished checking my feed Taehyung had fallen asleep. The book that he was reading had fallen out of his hands and on to his stomach. I took the book and put it on the nightstand next to him and took off his glasses, putting them next to the book. After leaving a kiss on his forehead I fell asleep.

The next morning we packed up again and drove away. After a few hours we reached my dad's birth place. It was a big city where a lot of working people lived. It has a lot of parks and lakes which I love. We were going to live at my grandparents house for the days that were staying here. I haven't met them in a long while so I was really excited.

When we reached the house we took out everything from the car and walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell and my grandma opened it.

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