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Jungkook Pov

I woke up and got ready for school. Today is the first day of the last month of school before we graduate. I really want to make this month one of the best in our lives. Ever since I moved in here I've just been so much happier. I think that it's because of how much the people in this house just radiates happiness. Taehyung texted me that we was waiting outside of the door so I went downstairs to meet him. Once I walked out I saw Taehyung and Yoongi both waiting at the door.

"Oh, hey Yoongi" I said and smiled.

"This is going to be weird" he said and laughed a bit.

"I think Hoseok is done really soon" I told him.

"Hey, Tae." I said and kissed him.

"Hi Kookie" he responded and smiled.

"We'll see you two in school" I said and smiled at Yoongi before grabbing Taehyung's hand.

We started walking towards the school and talking about random things. Like our plans for the month and we both had a lot of things that we wanted to do. Taehyung told me that he wanted us all to come and stay over at his house. I liked the idea so we were going to ask the others. He also had another idea that made me extremely shocked but I would help him. We got to the school doors and walked in. After getting our things out of our lockers we walked to our classrooms.

"Good luck today, Tae." I said as I reassured him by lightly squeezing his hand before letting go.

"Good luck to you too" he said and smiled.

We walked into our classrooms and sat down. I got out my drawing book and started drawing some things in it. The lesson being boring as usual and the time slowing down. But as soon as the bell rang I put my book on my desk and left the classroom. Taehyung was already waiting outside of my classroom and I grabbed his hand before we started walking towards the cafeteria. Once we were there we got some food and sat down. Taehyung told them about the stay over at his house and everyone agreed that it was a fun idea. Then he told them about his other idea. Everyone was basically as shocked as me but Jin was all for it.

After school we decided on a time in the early morning to meet to make what Taehyung had in mind happen. Since Taehyung's house was closer than mine we reached it first.

"Love you" I said and kissed him.

"I love you too" he said responded to my kiss.

"Are you sure about tomorrow?" I asked worriedly.

"Of course" he answered and smiled.

"Okay, I'll trust you." I said and smiled back.

"I'll text you later" he said and started walking into his house.

"Okay" I responded before making the walk home.

It was so weird to walk this road home but I got used to it. I had more time to breath and got to walk more. I reached the house and unlocked the door. I noticed that only Hoseok and Yoongi's shoes were in the hall. Mom and mr. Jung must still be out. I was starting to walk up the stairs when I remembered that I had left my water bottle in the living room. So I turned around and made my way towards the living room. I walked in and to my shock, I saw Hoseok and Yoongi making out on the couch. They stopped and looked at me with wide eyes, not saying anything or moving.

"Ehm... I was just going to get m-my water bottle" I said awkwardly as I grabbed my water bottle and ran out of the room.

Well shit. I didn't really expect that at all. I calmed myself down on my way to my room. I sat down to study a bit since I was in a mood to do so. But after just a few minutes had passed I couldn't think about anything but Taehyung. I was thinking about the idea that he had. I thought it was a good idea but I was really nervous too. I wondered what suddenly made him want to do something like this. Since I couldn't think straight I decided to go and get some water. Avoiding the living room, I made my way to the kitchen. I got some water and chugged it. I'll just go to sleep.

I fell asleep after taking a shower and woke up to a call the next morning. I looked at the caller ID and it was Taehyung. I answered.

"Hi Tae" I said in my barely awake voice.

"Kookie I think I have everything ready" he said softly.

"Okay, I'll be at your house in fifteen minutes." I said and smiled to myself before we hung up.

I got dressed and walked downstairs. Hoseok and Yoongi were sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast. I guess Yoongi stayed over. I said good morning as I walked past the kitchen. They responded and kept eating. I put on my shoes and started walking to Taehyung's house. After five minutes I was there. I rang the doorbell and Taehyung opened it.

"Hi kookie, thank you for helping me." he said happily.

"Of course I would help you" I said and smiled back.

"Let's go to my room" he said and we walked upstairs to his room.

We sat down at his desk and he turned to look at me.

"So how would you do my hair if you thought of a popular boy style?" he asked.

"Maybe like this" I said as I started moving his hair to the sides so that you could see his eyes.

I also made sure to make it look more fluffy but still so that it would look like he made an effort.

"I'm going to put in my contact lenses" he said.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

"No, I have gotten used to them now." he answered and smiled.

I smiled back and he walked up to the mirror to put them in. This time he was done in a minute only. Now the last thing was the uniform. He wanted to wear it like the rest of us in our group. I fixed it so that only one side of the shirt was inside the pants and folded the end of his pants twice to make them slightly shorter. His tie needed to be a little messy and look like it was made without effort too. Then he would just wear the rest of the clothes as usual. After the make over we looked at him in mirror. We were amazed at how different he looked. His usual style with his glasses and bangs made him look really cute and shy. But with this style he looked hot and confident. It was a whole new style.

"It's time to make them regret that they bullied me. This is the best way since I don't want to use violence." This is the new side of Taehyung that only I've seen, the confident Taehyung.

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