Spain pt. 1

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Jungkook Pov

Today is the day that we all fly out to Spain. I'm really excited since I've never been there and that I get to go on another trip with Taehyung. I heard the doorbell ring and walked out.

"Tae!" I said happily as I hugged him.

"Are you excited?" he asked into the hug.

"Of course! Let's go." I said and grabbed his hand.

We smiled and waved to my mom before walking towards the school. Once we got there the whole entrance was filled with students. There were three buses for each class so me and Taehyung couldn't sit next to each other. We hugged and got onto our buses. I sat next to Namjoon who was listening to music in his headphones. I decided to do the same since Hoseok and Yoongi were being lovey-dovey as usual.

The bus ride was calm, except for some girls laughing and talking about the trip. Once we had gotten to the airport I took off my headphones and woke up Namjoon who had fallen asleep. We got off the bus and I met up with Taehyung, Jimin and Jin. I grabbed Taehyung's hand again and we all walked into the airport. The plane was leaving in a half an hour. We had gotten a plane for ourselves since the school had a lot of money. I mean what normal school would be able to pay for a trip to Spain for over 200 people?

The teachers made sure that everyone was there and we finally got to go onto plane. Thankfully we weren't separated by class on the plane. Once the teachers had made sure that everyone was sitting and where they were sitting, we took off. I don't like the take off or landing so Taehyung held my hand. Then we finally got to take of our seatbelts and I stretched a little.

"Want to watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure" Taehyung answered.

I plugged in my earpods and put on a random comedy movie. It was a good movie and we laughed a lot. I noticed that Yoongi was glaring at me, probably since I was being lowkey loud from laughing. When the movie was over we ate some food then we fell asleep. A couple of hours later we reached Spain. As soon as we got of the plane we could feel the warm air hit us.

"I shouldn't have worn a long sleeved shirt" I complained.

"I knew you would say that" Taehyung said and we laughed.

Then we were separated on two buses again and reached the hotel rather quickly. The hotel was really nice. It was next to the ocean and had a big pool. Everyone ran in excitedly and got room keys. Girls and boys were separated but that obviously wasn't an issue for us. Me and Taehyung got a room on the fifth floor. I was amazed by the room as I walked in. The view was amazing, you could see the pool and sea. There were two smaller beds in the room that we pushed together to make a bigger one.

Once we had changed clothes we went downstairs for the school meeting. Basically everyone was there and the teachers went over some rules and what we were going to do this week. The rules were: Don't stay out after 11 pm, No parties, Girls and boys were not allowed in each other's rooms after 8 pm and other things like that.

"Dinner time!" one of the teachers said and everyone walked into the restaurant.

Me, Taehyung, Jimin, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok sat down at one table. The food was absolutely delicious and I was so full when we left. We all decided to go to the beach since we still had time. The water was blue and the sun was setting in the background. It was so beautiful and everyone was mesmerized by the beauty. I grabbed Taehyung's hand, smiled and started running towards the water. We got to the water and jumped into it. Everyone joined us and jumped in after us.

We all splashed around in the water until the sun had sat and we needed to go back to the hotel. It was really refreshing to be in the water since it had been so warm all day. Once we were back in the hotel we needed to go to our rooms. We all got rooms on the fifth floor so we all got of the elevator together.

"Goodnight" I said before we walked in.

"Goodnight!" everyone responded.

I collapsed on the bed and soon Taehyung did too.

"I'm so jet lagged" Taehyung complained.

"Me too" I answered.

"You know what could cheer me up?" he asked.

"Cheer up by Twice?" I asked.

"No. This." he said and kissed me.

I kissed him back without hesitating at all. Taehyung laid over me and we kept kissing me.

"I think Spain air does something to me" he said before kissing me again.

The next day

I woke up next to Taehyung and smiled. I will never get tired of seeing him next to me. It was almost time for breakfast so I woke him up gently. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Good morning" he said, still smiling.

"Morning" I responded.

We stood up and put on our clothes before making our way down to the restaurant. Everyone was already there so we got something to eat and sat down with them. They looked at us with this look on their faces.

"What's up?" I asked, confused.

"You two seemed to have a good time last night" Jin said.

"W-what?" I asked and felt my cheeks getting redder.

"You know what we mean, you two aren't really that silent." Yoongi said.

"You are one to talk. We heard you too last night." Jimin said.

"W-wait what?" he said nervously.

Now me, Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok were really flustered.

"This really is a delicious pancake" Hoseok said awkwardly.

Then we all laughed it off. I'm honestly enjoying this trip already. I want to make good memories.

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