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Taehyung Pov

Jungkook would always be there when I was alone. When I was sitting alone in the cafeteria he would go and ask me to sit with him and his friends. I could see that his friends doesn't like me, especially the boy named Jimin. He would glare at me a lot, more than others. It made me uncomfortable and people usually don't scare me but he did. I have heard that a lot of other people also thinks that he is scary. Especially when he is mad.

One day he was glaring at me more than usual and I forgot to breath when I would notice it. When I was walking alone in the corridor since everyone else was in class, someone grabbed my wrist. I turned around in shock and saw that it was Jimin. He had his usual glare directed at me as he tightened the grip around my wrist.

"Listen here Taehyung or whatever your name was. Stay away from Jungkook. He is our friend and we don't need such a nerd like you in our group. Also he is my best friend so don't get any ideas. If you are as smart as everyone says then you will understand. You know that I hate you right? Jin, Hoseok and Jungkook might be soft for you but don't think anyone has actually accepted you!" he said in an angry tone that made me flinch.

"Tell me that you will stay away!" he yelled angrily since I was still quiet.

"I-I wi-" I was taking a long time answering so he got mad and punched me.

I fell onto the floor. My body had enough and I passed out. Jimin left me there unconscious on the floor until someone found me and called for an ambulance. When I woke up I was in a hospital. I had a few bandages from earlier scars and also the one from Jimin's punches.  I was alone in the room and I looked at the clock. It had only been a half an hour since I passed out. I remembered looking at the clock at that time.

My head hurt from the punch but I managed to move my head so that I was looking at the door. Right at that moment Jungkook ran in.

"Taehyung!" he yelled as he ran up to me.

"What happened?!" he said worriedly.

"I-I passed out" I answered nervously.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Y-yes I am" I answered.

"You obviously aren't!" he said as he looked at the scars and all of the bandages on my body.

"D-don't worry Jungkook, I am used to it..." I said.

"Stop saying that" he said and hugged me.

"I'm sorry that I let this happen to you" he said.

"It's not your fault..." I said and hugged him back softly.

"I was so worried for you... I promised that I would be there for you" he said and sighed.

I was shocked. No one except for my dad has ever been worried for me. A tear left my eye and fell down to my chin.

"Why are you crying? Did I hurt you?" he asked worriedly.

"No of course not! It's just... you are the second person in my life to worry so much about me..." I said as I wiped away the tear.

My phone started ringing and I answered.

"Yes dad, I'm okay now." I said.

"Yes, I'll see you later." I said as I hung up.

"What did your dad say?" Jungkook asked.

"He asked about how I was feeling" I answered.

"Is he the other person who worries for you?" he asked.

"Yes, he has always take care of me. My mom passed away right after I was born so I grew up without her. My dad told me that he was so happy that he had me..." I said and looked down.

"Oh, I actually only have my mom. You met her once. She is really kind and I guess that was where I got it from. My dad passed away when I was ten after he was shot when he was out on a walk. No one knows who shot him but he passed away that day..." he said and looked down as well.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"Don't worry, you have it worse than me..." he said.

A nurse walked in and took some tests. I was fine mentally but not physically. She told me that I could leave the hospital now and I left with Jungkook. We said goodbye and walked two different ways.

Once I got home I went to my room. Dad was still at work and I laid down to sleep early. That's when I remembered what had happened before I passed out. I was thinking for a long time about what Jimin had said. I was scared that he would hurt me again but I didn't want to stay away from Jungkook. Frustrated I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up but I was afraid and decided to stay home from school. I walked downstairs and looked at the kitchen counter. There was a note from my dad.

"I left for work early today. There is some food in the fridge. I'll be gone for about three days. Call me if you need something."

I was disappointed that he wasn't going to be home but I was used to it. I laid down in my bed again after eating some breakfast and I got a call. I looked at the caller ID and it was Jungkook. I wanted to answer but I was scared so I let it ring until it stopped. He called another two times before sending a text.

Jungkook - Are you alright?

Jungkook - Where are you?

Jungkook - I am worried.

You never skip school.

Jungkook - Are you sick? I can come over with some food.

Jungkook - Sorry I'll stop spamming you but please answer me.

I wanted to answer so bad. I was on the verge of tears seeing him so worried about me. But I was scared. I hope he'll forgive me.

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