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Jungkook Pov

Today we need to clean the second floor of the school and I really don't have the energy. I don't get why Taehyung would want to help. But I'm grateful since I would be bored and the work would have taken way longer.

"Tae!" I exclaimed when I saw him walking out of his classroom.

"Oh, Jungkook." he said and walked up to me.

"We should start to clean now so that we can make it in time for dinner." I mentioned.

"Of course." he agreed and we walked to the janitor's closet.

We got everything we needed and started to clean the floor, windows and picked up the random trash. We also cleaned the windows and after three hours we were finally done. So we sat down and relaxed.

"That was so tiring..." I complained.

"Yeah, I never want to do that again." he agreed.

"Let's go now. Dinner should be done in an hour." I said.

"Okay." he answered and grabbed my hand.

After getting our bags from our classrooms we walked out and started walking to my apartment.  I had just told my mom that we were a couple and she was very excited to meet him again. Once we got there my mom ran up to him.

"Welcome back to our home, Taehyung." she said happily with a bright smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you again." he said and bowed lightly.

"No need to be formal. Now let's eat!" she said and walked back to the kitchen.

After sitting down, she put the food on our plates and we started eating.

"It's delicious!" Taehyung complimented and smiled.

"I'm glad you liked it! I spent more time on the food today since I knew that you would come over." she mentioned.

When we had finished eating we decided to go to my room, sitting down on the floor. 

"So, what do you want to do now?" I asked.

"Want to study?" he asked.

"Why not? Can you help me with maths?" I asked.

"Of course." he answered.

I grabbed my math books from my bag and he started explaining the things that I didn't understand. I was amazed that he knew so much and smiled to myself as I looked at him explaining some random math problem. After maybe an hour had passed I finally understood everything he explained so we decided to take a break. I stood up and connected my phone to the speaker. I started playing one of the slower songs that I had in my playlist. It's mostly filled with edm songs so it was difficult to find.

"Wanna dance?" I asked and held out my hand.

He grabbed my hand, "sure".

We danced slowly with each other but ended up we laughing over how serious we were taking it. I pretended to be serious again and Taehyung laughed even more. The song ended and westood still as I looked into his eyes and he did the same. Everytime we were like this I would remember why I fell in love with him. I looked down to his lips and kissed him. I love him.

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