Week six

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Jungkook Pov

It's been a week since I flew back to Seoul. Our goodbye was really emotional and we both cried even though we knew we would meet again in only two weeks. Still, it's difficult leaving after such a good trip. 

The only thing I've been spending my time on is helping my mom or hanging out with the others. Of course, me and Taehyung still call and text daily.

Today however, was different. Taehyung hadn't called me this morning like he always would and he hadn't responded to my texts either. I might just be paranoid but he usually always answers within an hour. I tried to shrug off the worry, convincing myself that he's just busier today. 

I distracted myself by going grocery shopping. After getting everything on the list, I paid and started walking home. It was a really nice day, the sun being out and the temperature not being too hot or cold. 

"I might ask the others if they want to hang out later" I told myself as I unlocked the door to the house. 

Tired, I placed the bags on the table. I stretched my arms and started putting away the groceries before sitting down on the couch. My mom wasn't home since she was helping a friend out in her store. Being bored, I decided to watch some TV and started clicking through the channels. I stayed at one of the channels that was playing the news.

"There was a small fire in an apartment building earlier today, no one was hurt and it's under control. In other news, the son of the CEO Mr. Kim, Kim Taehyung has been sent to the hospital after collapsing earlier today. More information on his condition will be announced later today" the woman explained.

I instantly froze. Taehyung was in the hospital and that's why he didn't answer me! I hurried, getting my phone from my pocket and calling his dad. Thankfully, he answered right away.

"Jungkook, I'm so sorry for not contacting you sooner. Taehyung is fine at the moment" he explained.

"Thank god, don't worry about it. You must 've been in a hurry and had a lot to do" I said, feeling really relieved.

"Yes, it's been very hectic but the best doctors are taking care of him" he reassured.

"I'm so relieved that nothing too bad happened, I was so worried all morning" I said.

"I understand, Taehyung had been acting strangely ever since this morning and then he collapsed and hit his head. I'll give him another break of course" he got quiet for a couple seconds, "wait, the doctor wants to speak to me. I'll keep you updated" he said.

"Thank you, Mr. Kim." I thanked and we hung up.

I can't even begin to explain how relieved I am that he's okay. I don't know what I would have done if he wasn't. For the rest of the day I just waited and waited for updates. Taehyung's dad texted me a few times but Taehyung still hadn't woken up. I had tired myself out and fell asleep.

I woke up to my phone ringing and I rolled over to check who it was. As I saw Taehyung's name I shot up from my bed and answered. 

"Tae!" I exclaimed.

"Jungkook, I'm so happy to hear your voice again" he said softly

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