Trip pt. 1

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Jungkook Pov

"Tae, what are you doing during the break?" I asked.

He looked up from his phone.

"I have nothing planned" he answered.

"Wanna go on a trip?" I asked.

"Yeah!" he said and his face lit up.

"Great! So where do you want to go?" I asked him excitedly.

"Anywhere with you is good" he said and smiled.

"Then let's make it a road trip" I answered and smiled.

We started planning our road trip that we were going to do during the break. Where we wanted to go and where to stay. We packed for weeks until the break started. It was a week and we weren't going to waste a single minute of it. We'll be completely alone for the first time.

Monday came around and we packed everything into a car. Our first stop was going to be in a town about three hours away. During the car ride we listened and sang along to songs. The usually shy and quiet Taehyung was now singing his heart out. I looked at him and smiled. After two hours Taehyung fell asleep so I turned down the volume.

When we reached the town we checked into the hotel. We walked in and put our bags down. The room had one bed and an amazing view of the town and mountains around it. Me and Taehyung stood in awe looking out the window. After a while we unpacked a bit of our things. I got my camera and we walked out onto the street. In one hand I held my camera while the other was holding Taehyung's hand.

"Let's eat something!" Taehyung said excitedly.

"Okay!" I answered and smiled.

We saw a resturant and walked in. After we ordered our food we sat down at a table. Everything was amazing in this moment. I was with Taehyung alone in a beautiful town where no one knows who we are. The food showed up and we started eating it.

"Can you see anything through those glasses?" I asked and held in my laugh. 

He looked up confused and realised that his glasses were foggy. He took them off and dried them off with his shirt.

"I was enjoying the food too much to realise" he said and we laughed.

We finished eating and decided to walk up one of the smaller mountains. The sun was starting to set and we were going to look at the stars at the top. On the way I took pictures of the sunset with my camera. Once we reached the top the sun had completely set. The stars were shining brightly. I took a few pictures and admired the view. Taehyung grabbed my hand.

"Shouldn't we enjoy the moment a bit too?" he asked.

"Oh yeah of course!" I said when I realised that I was taking too many pictures.

We laid down on the grass and looked at the sky. You couldn't see the stars like this when you're in the city so I was really enjoying it. I looked at Taehyung who was mesmerized by the sky. He didn't have his glasses on and his eyes are shining more than the stars.

"Tae?" I asked.

"Yes?" he answered.

"I love you" I confessed.

"I love you too..." he said.

He smiled at me and I smiled back. I kissed him softly on his lips before laying back down. We stayed like that for a while before going back to the hotel. I laid down on the bed and Taehyung went to take a shower. I was looking at the pictures I took. One were more beautiful then the others. It was a picture of Taehyung looking at the stars. I smiled to myself before putting down my camera. Taehyung walked out from the bathroom and sat down on the bed.

"You can take a shower now" he said.

"I am going to shower tomorrow instead" I answered.

"Okay" he said and laid down under the covers.

I laid down next to him. We looked into each others eyes before I quickly gave him a kiss on his lips.

"Goodnight" I said and smiled lightly at him.

"Goodnight" he answered and smiled a little bit aswell.

We both closed our eyes but I couldn't fall asleep.

"Can I hug you?" I asked.

"O-okay" he answered.

I put my arms around him and finally relaxed. We both fell asleep.

The next morning I took a shower and we packed everything again. We put our bags in the car and drove to the next place. The beachside. We got there after two hours. The view was amazing. You could see the sea and all of the buildings. That day happened to be the warmest of the spring so we walked down to the pool. We sat down at the poolside with our feet in the water.

"Can you take a picture of us?" I asked a woman who passed by.

"Of course" she answered and took my phone.

She took the picture and handed my phone back.

"Thank you" I said and looked at the picture.

"Look, it turned out great." I said happily.

"It did" Taehyung answered.

"Let's get into the pool" I said and took of the shirt that I was wearing before jumping into the water.

Taehyung laughed and did the same. We splashed around in the water for an hour before going to the beach. The sun was setting as we looked at the sea and it looked so amazing. The water was way too cold to be in so we just looked and admired it.

"The sound of the waves are so calming" he said with his eyes closed.

"I agree" I said and looked over at him.

"I'm glad we went here" he said.

"Me too" I said.

I always feel relaxed when I am around Taehyung. Just his presence alone can make me so much happier. I want to stay like this forever. With Taehyung.

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