Spain pt. 3

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Jungkook Pov

"Taehyung is gone" Jimin said.

"What do you mean?" I asked worriedly.

"He's not in the bathroom or anywhere else!" Jimin said as everyone started panicking.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called him. No answer.

"We need to find him!" I said terrified.

We all started running around the club, trying to find Taehyung. It was not easy since we all were drunk. Where is he? We look absolute everywhere but he isn't anywhere.

"Taehyung was drunk so he might have left already. Let's go look outside!" I told everyone in a rush.

We all walked outside in the dark evening as the pouring rain hit our heads.

"Shit" Yoongi said since no one of us had an umbrella.

"Let's all go different ways so that this can go by quicker!" I said and everyone started running in different directions.

I ran looking at every person around me on the sidewalk. I looked into every alleyway but still nothing. I was not about to give up though. I need to find him.

Jin Pov

Me and Namjoon we're running together trough the busy streets. We didn't know the language so we couldn't ask anyone. We tried though but they didn't understand us. I stopped when I realized that Namjoon had stopped. I ran back to him. He was leaning against a building and throwing up.

"Are you okay?!" I asked worriedly.

"I'm not used to running this much while drunk" he said.

"You should go back to the hotel. You need to rest Namjoon." I said and patted his back.

"No. I'm going to help find him." he said as he kept running.

I kept running as well. Deeper into the city.

Jungkook Pov

"Taehyung!" I yelled as I hoped for an answer.

"Please answer me!" I yelled out.

I was at my breaking point. I was feeling so sick and my stomach hurt from the stress. But I can't give up now. Taehyung, where have you gone? I kept running and running until I noticed someone sitting against a building with his head down.

"Taehyung!" I yelled and the person lifted his head slightly.

"Jungkook?" he answered back.

I practically threw myself onto him. Hugging him really tightly.

"Why did you leave?!" I asked him worriedly.

"I... I don't know... I think I thought that I was supposed to go to the hotel since I was drunk..." he said as he looked at his hand.

"I need to tell the others" I said as I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and wrote them a message.

I helped Taehyung up and I supported him all the way to the bus stop. Once I got there, everyone was already there. All of them completely soaked from the rain and worried facial expressions. They all ran up to us to help me support him into the bus. Once we were back at the hotel we met a teacher.

"You all are two hours late" she said strictly.

"We are very sorry but there was a situation" Jin, who was the most sober responded.

"What situation?" she asked.

"We got lost and stuck in the rain" he answered.

"Okay, we'll talk about this in the morning. In the meantime go and rest." she said and left us.

We made our way to our rooms. I was so surprised that she didn't smell the alcohol on us. But still I felt like we got lucky. I helped Taehyung get into the bed.

"You are soaked" I said.

"I'm sorry" Taehyung said and I could see that he was close to crying.

"It's okay. We were just worried to death." I responded.

"You are so cold" Taehyung said as he held my hand.

"So are you. Want to take a shower?" I asked.

"Yeah" he responded and we walked to the bathroom.

I turned on the water and made the water really warm. We both got into the shower since he couldn't support himself very well. I helped him wash his hair and washed my own hair as well. When we had gotten warmer we got out. After we put in clothes we walked out and laid down on the bed.

"Goodnight" I said and kissed him.

"Night" he responded and fell asleep immediately.

Then we could calmly and warmly fall asleep.

The next morning I woke up before Taehyung and sat up. It felt like my head exploded and I stood up to try and get some headache medicine. As I was getting it Taehyung woke up. Just before I could say good morning he ran into the bathroom. I ran to him as he threw up. I patted his back lightly.

"It's okay. I'll get some water." I said and got him a glass of water.

"Thank you" he said and drank some of it before throwing up again.

"You really drank a lot yesterday" I said.

"Yeah, I regret that." he said.

"I have been wondering. Why did you want to drink out of nowhere?" I asked.

"It's something my dad said to me a while ago. He had noticed that I wasn't out anytime and if I was then I was at your apartment. Then he told me that he thought that I should enjoy my free time and told me how he regrets not having more fun when he was my age. I don't know if he meant this but I wanted to try to have normal person fun. It doesn't work that well for me I guess." he said.

"I shouldn't have given you such strong drinks" I said and looked down.

"No don't worry, I asked for them and I did have fun until I left the club." he said and smiled at me.

I smiled back and kissed him.

"Why would you kiss me now? I haven't brushed my teeth and I literally just threw up." he said and we laughed.

"Cause I love you and I don't mind it" I responded and smiled at him.

"I'm so lucky to have you" he said and smiled.

"I'm even luckier" I said as I kept smiling.

"The school meeting is in ten minutes!" he said worriedly as he rushed to get ready.

He was throwing in his clothes and brushed his teeth quickly. I did the same and we went downstairs where everyone else were. We sat down by the others and the teacher talked about todays activities.

"I'm sorry for yesterday" Taehyung whispered to the others.

They all reassured him that it was fine and smiled at him.

"Let's not drink for a while" I whispered and we laughed.

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