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A/N: Thank you all for 1k reads! I'm so grateful that people enjoy reading this story. So, thanks again c:

Taehyung Pov

Jungkook flew out to London yesterday just to be with me. I missed him so much and all of the sudden he just appeared in front of me. I knew that I had to thank my dad later for making this possible. Now that Jungkook was here, I was finally able to relax. He just makes me feel at home anywhere.

After breakfast I was taking him out sightseeing. We somehow ended up wearing matching clothes, him wearing white pants with a blue shirt and me wearing white pants with a pink shirt. It was accidental and we laughed it off. As we made our way throught the busy street, he held my hand tightly. 

Seeing as I had spent so much time either in the office or at the house, I hadn't seen a alot of things in the city either. Being exhausted after all of the work, I didn't want to go out. However, now that Jungkook was here I finally had a reason to. As we walked around we took pictures of the scenery, Jungkook sending a lot of them to his mom. He had told me about how much his mom wanted to travel but sadly couldn't. After a while we got tired and sat down on a bench, me leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Are you liking London?" I asked curiously.

"A lot, but I'm liking spending time with you even more" he answered and smiled.

"I like spending time with you as well" I said and smiled back.

"It's getting really warm" he complained.

"I agree, let's go back to the house" I said and he agreed.

Seeing as it was so hot, we decided to take a taxi back to the house.

Jungkook Pov

As we were walking towards the front doors, I noticed the garden hose laying on the grass.

"Hey, I know a way to coold down!" I exclaimed and he turned to me with a confused expression. 

"What do you-" he was cut off as I started spraying the water in to the air, making it fall back down like rain. Taehyung walked up to me and I sprayed it over him instead. He started laughing and covered himself. I kept spraying water, laughing as we ran around. It was refreshing, both of us laughing under the fake rain. 

After a while we decided to walk in to change our clothes. At this point we were hungry so we cooked some dinner together and ate it. We settled dowm on the couch and watched a movie. It was starting to get cold so we shared a blanket. The warmth made Taehyung fell asleep on my shoulder and I let him. When the movie ended I nudge him carefully to wake him up and held his hand to go to bed. We laid down and he fell right back to sleep. I kissed his forehead goodnight and fell asleep as well.

Today was the second day, which is the last full day. I had woken up at 6am seeing as I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was the fact that I need to leave him tomorrow and I really didn't want to. I knew that he'll come back to Seoul as well in a month but without him a month can feel like a year. I had gotten dressed walked downstairs. As I got ready to make some breakfast for us his dad walked into the kitchen.

"Goodmorning" he said with a smiled.

"Goodmorning" I responded and smiled back.

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