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|I'm sorry for not posting for more than a month, I have been busy with school so I hope you forgive me. Anyways I don't really know that much about trials so it will probably be badly written. But thank you for reading :)|

Jungkook Pov

It's been a couple days and I've officially fought all my sicknesses. I'll get to go home today and Taehyung is helping me pack. Tomorrow is the first trial. I know that I told Taehyung that we would win but I'm unsure. Chanyeol's rather is still powerful and we have no help at all. But we need to figure something out since we can't have Chanyeol walking around.

Taehyung finished packing a bag and turned around to smile at me. I smiled back.

"This bag is packed now" he said.

"Thank you for helping me" I said.

"Of course I would help you" he said.

"Let's go home then" I said and we both grabbed bags.

We had no money for a bus or taxi so we walked. It is a nice day for autumn. The sub is shining which is making the leaves shine too. It brings out the colors in them. We managed to get to my apartment and he helped me get everything to my room.

"When is your mom coming home?" he asked.

"In a few hours" I responded.

"Maybe I should go home" he said.

"Don't worry, you should stay. It's getting dark and we should talk about tomorrow." I said.

"You're right" he said and we walked downstairs.

We sat down on the couch and got some snacks. We started talking about tomorrow and Taehyung is visibly worried. I understand him.

"I'm still worried Jungkook. We will probably not win over Chanyeol and his family. I don't know what to do." he said.

"We'll figure something out. I won't let anything happen to you." I said and hugged him.

"Can we stay like this?" he asked.

"Of course" I said as he hugged me closer.

After sometime we heard the door open and everyone walked in. Shocked, both me and Taehyung jumped off the couch.

"Jeez guys, you almost killed us." I said.

"We have a way to help you two!" Namjoon said, out of breath.

"Tell me" I said.

We all sat down in the living room and he started talking.

"We know a way that you two can win the trial. I'll let Yoongi explain." he said.

Everyone's attention was now on Yoongi.

"I got to know that my grandfather is Chanyeol's father's boss. The reason that I didn't tell you two earlier is that I don't have a good relationship with my grandpa. But I think I have persuaded him to help us." Yoongi said.

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