The sunshine household

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Jungkook Pov

"Hoseok?!" I said shocked.

"Hello brother!" he exclaimed happily.

"I'm so confused. I knew that Jung reminded me of someone! I'm slow." I said and laughed.

"Oh, I forgot that you two are friends." my mom said and giggled.

"Well let's sit down and eat" mr. Jung said and smiled.

We sat down at the dinner table and mom was lost in conversation with mr. Jung. She looks so in love. It's so cute.

"I'm still in shock" I said whilst eating.

"I was shocked too at first but then I realized that I would have such a cool brother. I've always wanted a brother." he said happily.

"When did they tell you?" I asked.

"Dad told me a few days ago but I had to figure out that it was you on my own" he said.

"I got to know a few days ago too but my mom forgot to remind me that he had a son" I said and laughed.

"So I we have another thing to announce" my mom said.

"Yes, we have decided to move in together!" mr. Jung exclaimed.

Both me and Hoseok was shocked. We knew that they were serious but not THIS serious.

"What? How long have you two been seeing each other?" I asked.

"A couple of months, I think it's five months now and yes we are moving into their house since they have more room." my mom said happily.

"When are we moving?" I asked.

"Next week" she answered.

"This is really a lot to process. I mean for you it's been a long time thought while for me it's been a week." I said and laughed.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I should've told you earlier." she said.

"No it's fine" I said and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Well I guess that makes us official brothers" Hoseok said excitedly.

"You know it bro" I said and we laughed.

We had a great dinner together then they went home. I sat and talked with my mom about the move for a few hours before deciding to call Taehyung.

"Hi kookie" Taehyung answered.

"Hey Tae" I answered.

"How has your day been?" he asked.

"It's been a great day actually. So much has happened." I said and smiled to myself.

"What happened?" he asked curiously.

"Well I-" I was cut off by a text.


"I just got to spend a lot of time with my mom. We ate a great dinner too." I responded, trying not to reveal anything.

"That's sounds so nice. My dad just got home and it's too late to eat dinner now so we just said hi to each other." he said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Remember that you can always call me if you are lonely." I reassured.

"Don't worry, it's nothing new. Thank you kookie." he said happily.

"No need to thank me, I love to talk to you." I said happily.

""I love talking to you too. Oh, it's midnight. I need to go to bed." he said.

"Okay, goodnight. I love you." I said.

"Goodnight, I love you too." he said before we hung up.

I put my phone back on the nightstand and closed my eyes. I'm so tired but happy. My mom has found love, I have love and now I have a sibling. I smiled while falling asleep.

The next day we were sitting in the cafeteria in school when Hoseok told me that he wanted to tell them. I agreed and we both stood up.

"What are you two doing?" Namjoon asked.

"We have something to announce and I'll let Hoseok tell you all" I said excitedly.

"Me and Jungkook are step brothers!" Hoseok exclaimed happily.

Everyone looked at us with wide eyes.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked.

"Our parents are officially in a relationship and we are moving in together!" I answered excitedly.

"Wow, that is so cool." Jin said while still being kind of shocked.

"I also want a brother..." Jimin said.

"You have all of us" Hoseok said and smiled.

After that dramatic announcement we finished our food before going to class again. That week went by quickly as I was packing everyday with my mom, Taehyung, Hoseok and mr. Jung. Taehyung was a big help and in return we cooked homemade dinners for him every evening when his dad couldn't eat with him. After we had packed everything we drove to the house we were going to live in. It was a nice suburban house that had maybe three more rooms than our apartment.

I got the room next to Hoseok's that had a connecting bathroom between the bedrooms. It was about double the size of my old bedroom so I didn't really know what to do with all this space. I started unpacking my things. After a day or so it looked the way I wanted and I was very pleased. We always ate family dinners and now instead of being two people, we were four. This house was closer to Taehyung's house so I was happy. It would be a shorter walk every morning. It is weird to wake up in a whole new room every morning but it's nice in a way. A fresh start in a way.

All the memories of my dad were in the old apartment and it made me sad that we were leaving that behind. But I think that it's something I needed since I couldn't move on. Now all my memories of my dad are kept in my heart as I make a fresh start. I got to know that the people in the neighborhood called this house "The sunshine household" because of how happy everyone in the house were. And as of today, I am a part of the sunshine household and I have decided to live up to it's name. A new positive Jungkook is born. I laughed at my own thoughts. But I'm just so happy right now.

This is basically just a chapter that is focused on Jungkook moving and getting used to his new life, having Hoseok as his step brother and living in a complete family. The next chapter will most likely be as the others. Thank you for reading! 💖

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